ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2024

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in workshop, seminar, course


Led Organisation of a Workshop "Creating Sustainable Internet of Things Futures Workshop" at ACM DIS 2024

The way consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices are currently built is leading to a growth in electronic waste (eWaste) growth. Whilst many consumer electronics are built with planned obsolescence, the bundling of ‘smartness’ into IoT devices means there are more routes to failure, across software, hardware and data infrastructures.

Realising more sustainable IoT requires finding ways to address a range of problems across the system life cycle. For example, lack of modular and repairable hardware can prevent devices being kept in use. Software can be made redundant due to short term software cybersecurity updates and manufacturer support. Users can face issues in controlling their data in IoT infrastructures at end of life of a device e.g. in exercising rights to port or erasure their data.

There is a growing awareness in design research around the need for sustainable design practices, and the legal landscape is shifting too, with new legislation mandating a right to repair, more eco-friendly design, and improved support for cybersecurity of devices (e.g. in the EU Cyber Resilience Act).

Understanding how to build more long-lasting and sustainable IoT in practice requires an interdisciplinary perspective bridging design, law, and the social science research. This one day workshop sits at the boundaries of these disciplines, aiming to bring together a diverse community of researchers and practitioners to address this topic.
Period2 Jul 2024
Event typeConference
LocationCopenhagen, DenmarkShow on map