Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in conference


EthiComp is the annual conference of an international community of scholars and technologists interested in computer ethics, including philosophical, professional, and practical aspects of the field. This year EthiComp took place jointly with CEPE, the conference on Computer Ethics Philosophical Enquiry, which has a narrower focus on the philosophical aspects of computer and information ethics. Claudia Pagliari organise the track on "Networks, Crowdsourcing, and the Rise of Social Machines", chairing two workshops on ethical aspects of machine-human hybrid spaces and social media.http://easychair.org/smart-program/CEPEETHICOMP2017/social-machines.html
Event typeConference
LocationTurin, ItalyShow on map


  • Ethics
  • Responsible Innovation
  • ICT
  • Social Media
  • Social machines
  • Data rights
  • Digital Society