Collection and analysis of two complex ecological datasets

Activity: Academic talk or presentation typesInvited talk


The talk will present an overview of the data acquisition and analysis from the ChiRoPing and Fish4Knowledge EU funded research projects. ChiRoPing investigated how to develop a better robot acoustic sonar sensor, and one foundation of the investigation was based on the acoustic performance of 4 different bat species. Data collection was in Denmark and Panama, and recorded acoustic, large scale video and high speed (500 fps) close up stereo video. Data analysis investigated the linkage between acoustic and physical events. While the data quantity was not large, acquiring, analysing and linking the audio and video was complicated. Fish4Knowledge collected and analysed subsea video from about 10 cameras off the coast of Taiwan, which were observing coral reef fish. Over 100 million fish were detected and analysed from about 100K hours of video, with 23 species recognised. Developing mechanisms to acquire, analyse and present results over such a large dataset was the major challenge of the project.
Period9 Dec 201311 Dec 2013
Event title2013 IEEE Second Int. Conf. on Image Information Processing
Event typeConference
LocationShimla, IndiaShow on map


  • conouter vision
  • Fish4Knowledge
  • ChiRoPing