Legal Adviser to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution

Activity: Consultancy typesWork on advisory panel to industry or government or non-government organisation


In light of the Smith Commission recommendations of greater powers for the Scottish Parliament, the House of Lords Constitution Committee has launched an inquiry into Inter-Governmental Relations in the UK, commencing this month. The Committee will also scrutinise any legislative proposals put forward in response to Smith. Professor Tierney said: “I am honoured to be appointed to this role and look forward to advising the House of Lords on these matters. This is a significant time for the constitution of both Scotland and the wider United Kingdom. It is very important that the current devolution settlement be submitted to detailed scrutiny in preparation for further constitutional change.” Professor Tierney has held an ESRC Senior Research Fellowship since 2012 to study constitutional change. He also served as constitutional adviser to the Scottish Parliament committee which in 2013 helped create the rules for the 2014 referendum.
PeriodJan 2015 → …
Work forHouse of Lords, United Kingdom


  • Smith Commission
  • Scottish Parliament
  • constitutional law