Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) (Publisher)

Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work typesEditorial activity


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Special Issue on "Contemporary Glass Art: Materiality and Digital Technologies"

Glass is a material that we encounter in many forms in our everyday lives; however, as an artistic medium, it is evocative and has an innate beauty that has captured the creative imagination. Art glass is well suited to the pursuit of creative expression, transforming from a liquid to a solid state in front of our eyes. This transitory nature inspires many artists and designers, who are intuitively drawn to this material and the many benefits it offers to creativity. Renowned as being difficult to control, glass practitioners train for many years to understand and master its elusive and contradictory nature. This approach creates a unique type of practice-based research, driven by a tenacity and stubbornness to experiment, challenge, and adapt in the pursuit of new material innovation. This journal will explore the current context of practice-based research in the field of art glass, focused through two themes: 'materiality and making' and 'new digital technologies', thus inviting those in the field who are helping to forge new territories and advanced material discourses to introduce their contributions to the field. Since the late 1990’s, practice-based doctoral research into glass has been forging new innovations in the field and has ensured that this rich discipline continues to evolve as a highly advanced field. Contemporary art glass practitioners continue to pioneer new ways of working and thinking through this material.

This Special Issue will offer a series of papers from a diverse community of researchers and practitioners who are advancing and challenging the boundaries of the field of art glass through their practice-based research. Through their contributions, a current perspective about contemporary art glass will be presented.

We invite potential contributors to submit written reports on their practice-based research, creative practice, innovations, and experiences at the crossings of art, design, and technology in the field of art glass, which will be considered by our review panel.

Period1 Apr 201830 Nov 2018
Type of publisherPublisher
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • ART