Multiple Journal Peer Review (Journal)

Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work typesPublication peer-review


I have provided over 150 peer reviews since 2001 including the following journals. American Journal of Psychiatry Annals of Neurology Archives of General Psychiatry Archives of Phys Med Rehabilitation American Journal of Phys Med Rehab Biological Psychiatry BMC Neurology BMC Psychiatry BMC Womens Health BMJ “On Examination” BMJ point of Care Brain British Journal of Psychiatry British Medical Journal Cambridge University Press Clinical EEG and Neurophysiology Clinical EEG and Neuroscience Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery CNS Spectrums Consultant Epilepsy and Behaviour European Journal of Neurology European Journal of Psychiatry European Psychiatry General Hospital Psychiatry International Journal of MS Internet Journal of Mental Health Internet Mental Health Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Journal of Dentistry Journal of Mental Health Journal of Neurological Sciences Journal of Neurology Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Sciences Journal of Postgraduate Medicine Journal of Psychiatric Research Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Journal of Royal Society of Medicine Journal of Urology Journal of Vestibular Research Lancet Neurology Movement Disorders Nature Clinical Neurology Nature Reviews Urology Neuroimage Neurology Neurology Clinical Practice Neurology India Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment Neuropsychiatry Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews Neurotherapeutics Nordic Journal of Psychiatry Parkinsonism and Related Disorders PLOS one Postgraduate Medical Journal Practical Neurology Psychiatric Bulletin Psychiatric Review Psychological Medicine Psychosomatics Psychotherapy Psychosomatics Rehabilitation Medicine Saudi Medical Journal Scottish Universities Medical Journal Seizure Southern Medical Journal Tremor and other Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders
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Type of journalJournal