• Aims: To share good practice and shape policy on animal welfare education. My evaluation research on animal welfare education interventions has formed an evidence-base for this group and I am the only academic on the group. Discussions of this group feedback into UK and international level forums.• Membership: Gilly Mendes Ferreira (Scottish SPCA), Mike Flynn (Scottish SPCA); Susan Witton (Scottish SPCA); Ruth Fraser (Edinburgh Zoo); Nicola Gunn (EDCH); Julie Thomson (EDCH); Suzanne Ruby (Paws for Progress); Sara Smith (RHET); Jennifer Robertson (QMS); Alison McLachlan (Dogs Trust); Jasper Hamlet (RSPB Scotland); Laura Curtis-Moss (RSPB Scotland); Abigail Christie (Cats Protection); Jo Williams (University of Edinburgh); Paul Hodson (Blue Cross); Lesley Winton (Fostering Compassion); Alaina Macri (Edinburgh Zoo); Emma McDonald (PDSA).
• Measurable Impacts: Sharing of educational materials and resources and information on evaluation techniques.
Period | 1 Oct 2017 → 31 Dec 2020 |
Event title | Scottish Animal Welfare Education Forum |
Event type | Other |
Degree of Recognition | National |