Society 5.0: The impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Activity: Consultancy typesContribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups


The Royal Society, in collaboration with ESRC and EPSRC, is hosting a one day event on Society 5.0, to explore the impact of artificial intelligence and robotics on society. This event aims to further understand the opportunities these technologies hold, how society will be transformed by these technologies, and how the UK can effectively develop, translate and realise these opportunities. We would like to invite you to take part in this workshop on the transformative potential of artificial intelligence and robotics technologies for society. The workshop will identify and consider challenges that require immediate responses, and those that require longer-term horizon scanning, from society, research, industry and policy. This will inform future strategy development and actions by the Royal Society, ESRC and EPSRC
Period12 May 2017
Work forThe Royal Society