Translation as Pedagogy: Avoiding Occupational Hazards in Colonial India

Activity: Academic talk or presentation typesInvited talk


The theme of the summer school, translating pedagogies, invites us to explore approaches to teaching and learning that have shaped translation training programmes. My session considers this theme from a different direction by posing the question: what role does translation as pedagogy play in the conceptualization of the learner and their relationship with languages? I analyse the introduction of new forms of language-learning and language scholarship in early modern India where translation played a new but significant part. Examining translation for pedagogical purposes offers a perspective into the re-alignment of languages, learning and the construction of subjecthoods in the colonial context.
Period21 May 201828 May 2018
Held atNida School of Translation Studies, Italy
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Translation
  • Language Learning
  • College Fort St. George
  • Tamil
  • British Civil Servants
  • Missions