TTU Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies

  • Rachel Armstrong (Visiting lecturer)
  • Ferracina, S. (Visiting lecturer)
  • Kristi Grišakov (Host)
  • Rolf Hughes (Visiting lecturer)

Activity: Visiting an external institution typesVisiting an external academic institution


The workshop, entitled "Learning from Landscape, Forging Folklore, Tallinn Tales," led by the Experimental Architecture Group (Armstrong, Ferracina, Hughes) in collaboration with Kristi Grišakov, highlighted the role of landscape as an active agency. Participants worked actively with the landscape to conjure forth its active qualities and thereby allow us to value them differently. The week began as a scene for discovery set by the Experimental Architecture Group, supported by presentations from historians, designers and animators. Drawing from a selection of Estonian folk tales that foreground the landscape as an actor in the course of human events, and proposing a sense of displacement from the familiar world, a series of tools from disciplines such as puppetry, animation, storytelling, performing arts, and theatre was provided to equip participants with a set of skills through which they can rearticulate the relationship between objects, people and site. Over the course of the week an encounter with the landscape from a selection of visited sites was designed where the environment is no longer passive, but actively ‘coming alive’ – the protagonist of each story.
Period27 Aug 201831 Aug 2018
VisitingTTU Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies
Degree of RecognitionRegional