Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Hearts in disorder Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Varsity online Media type Web Date 21/11/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Stroke; Heart patients could benefit from different drug, study shows Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Biotech Week Duration/Length/Size word count: 484 Date 24/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title On the agenda - Drug could help irregular heartbeat Media name/outlet PR Week Duration/Length/Size page: 6; word count: 312 Date 19/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Irregular heartbeat drug 'cuts stroke risk' Media name/outlet Nursing Times Date 12/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title "Easier drug" for irregular heartbeats Media name/outlet Public Service online Media type Web Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title New drug to help heartbeat condition Media name/outlet Liverpool Daily Post Duration/Length/Size page: 16 Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title New drug for irregular heartbeat patients Media name/outlet The Telegraph online Media type Web Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Heart drug boost after city research Media name/outlet The Edinburgh Evening News Duration/Length/Size page: 8 Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Breakthrough brings hope to heart patients Media name/outlet The Daily Mail Duration/Length/Size page: 36 Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title New drug gives hope to heart patients Media name/outlet The Scotsman Duration/Length/Size page: 11 Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Super pill to cut risk of strokes Media name/outlet The Daily Express Duration/Length/Size page: 25 Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Hope over heart pill Media name/outlet The Daily Mirror Duration/Length/Size page: 16 Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Drug warfarin is currently the standard treatment Media name/outlet Radio Borders Media type Radio Duration/Length/Size 00:00:33 Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Drug found for irregular heart beats leading to stroke Media name/outlet Central FM (Radio) Media type Radio Duration/Length/Size 00:00:24 Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Hundreds of thousands of people suffering irregular heartbeat on drug wafarin Media name/outlet BBC Regional News (TV) ‐ Scotland Media type Television Duration/Length/Size 00:00:21 Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Wafarin is treatment for irregular heartbeat Media name/outlet Westsound Duration/Length/Size 00:00:32 Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Wafarin is the standard treatment for those with irregular heart beats Media name/outlet Forth One (Radio) Media type Radio Duration/Length/Size 00:00:34 Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Experts at Edinburgh University putting forward alternative to drug overforen Media name/outlet Tay FM (Radio) Media type Radio Duration/Length/Size 00:00:35 Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Alternative to irregular heartbeat drug Media name/outlet Forth 2 (Radio) Media type Radio Duration/Length/Size 00:00:36 Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Drug could benefit irregular heart beat patients Media name/outlet STV Media type Television Duration/Length/Size 00:00:28 Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title New drug better than warfarin for irregular heartbeat patients Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Irish Independent online Media type Web Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Heart patients could benefit from different drug, study shows Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Medcompare online Media type Web Date 11/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title New drug for irregular heart beats Media name/outlet BBC online Media type Web Date 10/08/11 Persons Keith Fox Title Heart drugs Media name/outlet BBC Regional Radio ‐ Scotland Media type Radio Duration/Length/Size duration 00:00:29 Date 10/08/11 Persons Keith Fox