Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Study shows epigenetic changes in children with Crohn's Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet EndoNurse Date 1/09/14 Persons Jack Satsangi Title Simple blood could tell who will develop Crohn's disease and could mean new treatments Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet EMaxHealth Date 1/09/14 Persons Jack Satsangi Title Study shows epigenetic changes in children with Crohn's disease Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Medical Xpress Date 28/08/14 Persons Jack Satsangi Title Blood test for Crohn's Media name/outlet Daily Record Date 27/08/14 Persons Jack Satsangi Title DNA find raises hopes for victims of serious illness Media name/outlet Daily Express Date 27/08/14 Persons Jack Satsangi Title City team's way to new Crohn's test Media name/outlet Edinburgh Evening News Date 27/08/14 Persons Jack Satsangi