Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Sexting is becoming normal among teens: UK agency Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Times of India Date 16/06/15 Persons Ethel Quayle Title Is sexting the new selfies for teenagers? Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Economic Times Date 16/06/15 Persons Ethel Quayle Title 'Sexting' now normal behaviour for Britain's teenagers Media name/outlet The Independent Date 15/06/15 Persons Ethel Quayle Title New campaign warns teenagers of the dangers of 'sexting' explicit images Media name/outlet i Date 15/06/15 Persons Ethel Quayle Title Child protection officers investigate a case involving 'sexting' every day Media name/outlet The Scotsman Date 15/06/15 Persons Ethel Quayle Title 'Sexting' now normal behaviour for UK teens Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet IOL Date 15/06/15 Persons Ethel Quayle