Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Diaries and climate research Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Taranaki Daily News Date 19/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Monks' diaries help shape climate model Media name/outlet The Herald Duration/Length/Size page: 10 Date 18/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Pray of Sunshine Media name/outlet The Sun Duration/Length/Size page: 21 Date 18/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Old monks help in war on climate change Media name/outlet The Daily Mail Duration/Length/Size page: 33 Date 18/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Monks inform climate forecast Media name/outlet The Courier and Advertiser Duration/Length/Size page: 7 Date 18/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Monks help climate research Media name/outlet The Huddersfield Daily Examiner Duration/Length/Size page: 26 Date 18/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Sunny skies or stormy weather - monks wrote it in their diaries 500 years ago Media name/outlet The Scotsman Duration/Length/Size page: 21 Date 18/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Good outlook for scientists Media name/outlet The Edinburgh Evening News Duration/Length/Size page: 3 Date 18/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title None Media name/outlet The Independent online Media type Web Date 17/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Monks' diaries help scientists understand climate change over past 500 years Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Canadian Press (Canada) Date 17/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Monks' diaries aid understanding of 500 years of climate change Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet CTV (Canada) Media type Television Date 17/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Beter begrip klimaatverandering door monniken Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet AP Dutch (The Netherlands) Date 17/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title dda Tagebücher von Mönchen geben Aufschluss über Klimawandel Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet AP German (Germany) Date 17/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Monks' diaries help weather study Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Press Assocation online Media type Web Date 17/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Ancient records confirm climate models Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet United Press International Date 17/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Monks' diaries offer clues about climate change Media name/outlet EcoWorld online Media type Web Date 17/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Monks' diaries help experts make climate forecast Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Irish Examiner (Ireland) Date 17/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Un estudio revela que la acción humana ha sido relevante en el cambio climático Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet El Correo Date 17/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Determinan que el hombre ha variado el clima Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet El Periodico Date 17/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Una investigación con participación española muestra la influencia humana sobre el clima europeo desde el siglo XVII Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Europa Press (Spain) Date 17/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl Title Weather records and climate change Media name/outlet BBC Regional Radio - Other UK Media type Radio Duration/Length/Size duration: 00:04:01 Date 17/01/11 Persons Gabi Hegerl