Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Were FMD culls really necessary Media name/outlet The Daily Post Duration/Length/Size page: 1 Date 12/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title 'Fott-and-mouth cull may be unneccessary' Media name/outlet Gloucestershire Echo Duration/Length/Size page: 16 Date 11/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title The killing fields cure, a thing of the past? Media name/outlet The Western Mail Duration/Length/Size page: 1 Date 10/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Cattle disease breakthrough Media name/outlet The Edinburgh Evening News Duration/Length/Size page: 10 Date 10/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title El dolor de los animales, a examen Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet El Correo Duration/Length/Size word count: 321 Date 10/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Ministerio de Ganaderia alerta sobre nuevos estydios sobre la fiebre aftosa Media name/outlet Noticias Financieras Duration/Length/Size word count: 418 Date 10/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Foot-and-mouth was 'unneccessary' Media name/outlet The Western Daily Press Duration/Length/Size page: 6 Date 7/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Massive foot-and-mout culls 'may not be needed' Media name/outlet The Belfast Telegraph Duration/Length/Size page: 13 Date 7/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title 'Foot and mout cull was an over-reaction' Media name/outlet The Western Morning News Duration/Length/Size page: 5 Date 7/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Foot and mouth cull may have been needless Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Irish Times (Ireland) Duration/Length/Size page: 2; word count: 330 Date 7/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Discovery of disease window means less culling Media name/outlet Farmers Weekly Duration/Length/Size page: 8 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Next foot and mouth outbreak will not require mass cull Media name/outlet The Independent Duration/Length/Size page: 24 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Give scientists all the help they need Media name/outlet The Journal Duration/Length/Size page: 10 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Farm disease slaughter 'is over reaction' Media name/outlet The Northern Echo Duration/Length/Size page: 6 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Cattle with FMD did not need to be culled Media name/outlet The Journal Duration/Length/Size page: 4 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Discovery questions FMD culls controls Media name/outlet The Press and Journal Duration/Length/Size page: 20 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Massive foot-and-mouth culls 'may not be needed' Media name/outlet Belfast Telegraph Duration/Length/Size page: 13 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Were the foot and mouth culls really necessary? Media name/outlet The Guardian Duration/Length/Size page: 14 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Foot-and-mouth-slaughter doubts Media name/outlet Courier and Advertiser Duration/Length/Size page: 16 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Animales solo transmiten aftosa durante 40 horas, segun estudio Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet El Pais Duration/Length/Size word count: 1074 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Periode de dcontagion du betail deux fois plus courte qu'on pensait Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Agence Télégraphique Suisse (Switzerland) Duration/Length/Size word count: 255 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Infeccioasas. Las controvertidas medidas de control acutales podiran aligerararse Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Diario Médico Duration/Length/Size page: 12; word count: 558 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Unnotige Schlachtungen - Experten forden neue Strategie bei Maul - und Klauenseuche Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Spiegel online Media type Web Duration/Length/Size word count: 577 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Nieuwe bestrijdingsaanpak MKZ; Zieke koe korte tijd besmettelijk Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Agrarisch Dagblad Duration/Length/Size page: 3; word count: 256 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Next foot and mouth outbreak may not require mass culling Media name/outlet ATTOPN Duration/Length/Size word count: 243 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Infecciosas: las controvertidas medidas de control actuales podrian aligerarse Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Diario Médico Duration/Length/Size word count: 558 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Mass culling an over-reaction to foot-and-mouth, study claims Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Irish Examiner (Ireland) Duration/Length/Size word count: 399 Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Scientists say foot and mout outbreak could be controlled without mass cull Media name/outlet BBC National News (TV) Media type Television Duration/Length/Size word count: 23 seconds Date 6/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Brief window for foot and mouth transmission Media name/outlet New Scientist Date 5/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Foot and mouth study suggests culls may be reduced Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Reuters Duration/Length/Size word count: 550 Date 5/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Febre aftosa: periodo de contagio e menor que o estimado anterioromente Media name/outlet Agence France Presse Duration/Length/Size word count: 188 Date 5/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Study: Foot-and-mouth controls possibly overdone Media name/outlet Agence France Presse Duration/Length/Size word count: 442 Date 5/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Fiebre aftosa: periodo de contagio del ganado es mucho menor a lo estimado Media name/outlet Agence France Presse Duration/Length/Size word count: 283 Date 5/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Fievere aphteuse: periode de contagion dy betail deux fois plus courte (etude) Media name/outlet Agence France Presse Duration/Length/Size word count: 439 Date 5/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title Study: foot-and-mouth controls possible overdone Media name/outlet Agence France Presse Duration/Length/Size word count: 442 Date 5/05/11 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title MGAP alerta sobre "nuevos estudios" Media name/outlet La Republica Duration/Length/Size word count: 412 Date 10/05/10 Persons Mark Woolhouse Title (in Chinese) Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet AFPCCN Duration/Length/Size word count: 396 Date 6/05/10 Persons Mark Woolhouse