Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Genetically modified pigs raise concerns about food regulation Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Date 3/11/15 Persons Sarah Chan, Bruce Whitelaw Title Edinburgh University mentioned Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet BBC World Service Date 16/10/15 Persons Sarah Chan, Bruce Whitelaw Title Breakthrough brings scientists closer to using pig organs for human transplants Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Caribbean 360 Date 15/10/15 Persons Sarah Chan, Bruce Whitelaw Title Organ transplant Media name/outlet BBC Radio Scotland Media type Radio Date 14/10/15 Persons Sarah Chan, Bruce Whitelaw Title Modified pig organs could be transplanted into humans Media name/outlet The Daily Telegraph Date 13/10/15 Persons Sarah Chan, Bruce Whitelaw Title We're now one step closer to using GM pig organs in humans Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Red Orbit Date 13/10/15 Persons Sarah Chan, Bruce Whitelaw Title A method eliminates the risks of transplantation from pigs to humans Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet ABC Date 13/10/15 Persons Sarah Chan, Bruce Whitelaw Title The brink of xenotransplantation: modified pig organs from pigs to humans Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet National Post Date 13/10/15 Persons Sarah Chan, Bruce Whitelaw Title Human transplanted pig organs no longer a dream! Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet China Chemical Instrument Net Date 13/10/15 Persons Sarah Chan, Bruce Whitelaw