
Professor Sheila Riddell was interviewed by The Herald Scotland on a growing concern over a steady decline of (co-ordinated support plan) CSPs sinc ethe Additional Support for Learning Act was introduced in 2004.

In response, Riddell noted that councils were largely unconcerned about the decline. She suggested that the qualification criteria for a CSP should be simplified and training for local authority and school staff should be in place to increase their understanding of the system in general, including statutory entitlements.

Earlier on, Professor Lani Florian also made comments on failure of inclusion for children with ASN, noting that the problem is not in mainstreaming but the consistency of quality ASN provision. 

Period10 Feb 2019

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleGrowing concern over decline in support plans
    Media name/outletThe Herald Scotland
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionProfessor Sheila Riddell was interviewed by The Herald Scotland on a growing concern over a steady decline of (co-ordinated support plan) CSPs sinc ethe Additional Support for Learning Act was introduced in 2004.

    In response, Riddell noted that councils were largely unconcerned about the decline. She suggested that the qualification criteria for a CSP should be simplified and training for local authority and school staff should be in place to increase their understanding of the system in general, including statutory entitlements.

    Earlier on, Professor Lani Florian also made comments on failure of inclusion for children with ASN, noting that the problem is not in mainstreaming but the consistency of quality ASN provision.
    Producer/AuthorThe Herald Scotland
    PersonsSheila Riddell


TitleTransforming children’s rights?
LocationLG34, Paterson's Land, Moray House School of Education & Sports, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Period1 May 2019 → 1 May 2019


  • Additional support needs
  • coordinated support plans
  • mainstreaming