A Bioinformatics Course will be run from the 24th July to the 4th August 2017 at University College Dublin (UCD), School of Veterinary Medicine and Conway Institute for Biomolecular and Biomedical Research.The course will take place directly after ISAG 2017 (the 36th International Society for Animal Genetics Conference), which will be running at UCD from 17th to 21st July 2017.
Please find here below a general overview of the course. For further information, please email [email protected].
Dates: 24th July – 4th August 2017
Location: University College Dublin, School of Veterinary Medicine and Conway Institute for Biomolecular and Biomedical Research
Cost: € 1500
- Basic scripting
- Introduction to next-generation sequencing
- Protein structure modelling and analysis
- Molecular evolution and phylogenetics
- Network biology
- SNP data and use in GWAS
- Biostatistics in R
Programme of topics:
- Genome structure, sequencing/assembly, annotation
- Next-generation sequencing
- Biostatistics and exploratory data analysis in R
- Intro to evolutionary selection
- Population genomics
- Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS)
- Scripting for evolutionary simulation
- Population genetics/drift/selection
- Refining evolution Sims
- Tree-thinking/Darwin’s big idea
- Phylogenetics
- Network biology—Theory & Cytoscape
- Metabolic modelling/FBA
- Protein structure prediction
Entry Requirements: Undergraduate degree in Agriculture, Life Sciences or Veterinary Medicine
To apply, please click on this link: https://tinyurl.com/h6hfxow.