
Dickie and colleagues generated seven age-specific brain tissue sets/atlases of T1-weighted brain MRI illustrative of the adult lifespan from 25 to 92 years, which are representative of the atrophy and neurovascular health characteristics of normal individuals in seven age-bands: 1) 25-34 years, 2) 35-44 years, 3) 45-54 years, 4) 55-64 years, 5) 71-74 years, 6) 75-78 years, and 7) 91-93 years. These atlases can be downloaded from Edinburgh Datashare at https://doi.org/10.7488/ds/1369. The present dataset contains the regions where we can find more incidence of false positives in the segmentation of PVS at each life interval.
Date made available5 Jun 2024
PublisherEdinburgh DataShare
Geographical coverageUK,UNITED KINGDOM

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