Collection of Shilluk narratives and songs



The collection is structured as a set of items, each named on the basis of the performer and the title, for example "NyathomThaboOdhong_SweetnessOfTheDrum". Each item involves a sound recording (wav file), which is accompanied by annotations. The annotations include the Shilluk orthography, the translation, and usually also comments. In a few cases, the annotations additionally include a phonological transcription (IPA standard) and morpheme glosses. The annotations are available in a TextGrid file (this format is specific to the Praat software package). Each item also includes a metadata file (incl. a summary); information about the singer; and a document spelling out the permissions. All of the information about the performer and the performance is also collated into a spreadsheet.


A documented collection of Shilluk audio recordings, representing both narratives and songs. These materials offer a perspective on the life cycle in Shilluk culture, through topics ranging from childhood, over growing up, marriage, age sets, to mourning. The collection was built up incrementally, created by Otto Gwado Ayoker and Bert Remijsen, with financial support from the Volkswagen Foundation.

Data Citation

Gwado Ayoker, Otto; Remijsen, Bert. (2015) Collection of Shilluk narratives and songs. [sound]. University of Edinburgh. School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences. Linguistics and English Language.
Date made available2015
PublisherEdinburgh DataShare
Geographical coverageSouth Sudan
  • The noun phrase in Shilluk

    Remijsen, B. & Ayoker, O. G., 5 Jul 2021, A Descriptive Grammar of Shilluk. Remijsen, B. & Gwado Ayoker, O. (eds.). Hawai'i: Language Documentation & Conservation, Vol. Special publication 14. p. 1-91 91 p. (Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

    Open Access
  • Forms and functions in the spatial-deixis derivations of Shilluk transitive verbs

    Remijsen, B. & Gwado Ayoker, O., 13 Jan 2020, A Descriptive Grammar of Shilluk. Remijsen, B. & Gwado Ayoker, O. (eds.). Honolulu, Hawai'i: Language Documentation & Conservation, Vol. Special Publication 14. p. 1-59 59 p. (Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

    Open Access
  • Inflectional morphology and number marking in Shilluk nouns

    Remijsen, B. & Ayoker, O. G., 5 Sept 2019, A Descriptive Grammar of Shilluk. Remijsen, B. & Ayoker, O. G. (eds.). Honolulu, Hawai'i: Language Documentation & Conservation, Vol. Special Publication 14. p. 1-80 80 p. (Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

    Open Access

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