This dataset provides the results of the time-resolved force and particle image velocimetry (PIV) experiments for a NACA 0018 aerofoil undergoing symmetric and asymmetric pitching kinematics at Re = 32,000. These experiments are conducted at the water channel facility of UNFoLD laboratory at EPFL. The aerofoil has a chord of c = 0.1 m and a span of 0.6 m. The pitching axis is located at the quarter-chord from the leading-edge. The tested kinematics include the pitching amplitudes of 32 degrees and 64 degrees. The reduced frequency is fixed at k = 0.22. This dataset is used for the following two publications:
Ōtomo, S., Henne, S., Mulleners, K., Ramesh, K., & Viola, I. M. (2021). Unsteady lift on a high-amplitude pitching aerofoil. Experiments in Fluids, 62, 1-18. and
Ōtomo, S. (2022). Unsteady lift on high-amplitude pitching aerofoils with massive flow separation. PhD Thesis, University of Edinburgh.