The archive IgGGlycans_GWAMA_2013.tar.gz contains seventy-seven gzipped files corresponding to genome-wide association meta-analysis (GWAMA) of seventy-seven IgG glycans traits.
Dataset pertaining to the publication “Loci Associated with N-Glycosylation of Human Immunoglobulin G Show Pleiotropy with Autoimmune Diseases and Haematological Cancers”. The files are comma separated and contain genome wide association meta-analysis data for the discovery studies. Summary data are given for the meta-analyses of over 2 million directly genotyped or imputed single variant polymorphisms corresponding to the HAPMAP2 release 22 reference panel : allele2, effallele, allele for which effect (beta) is reported, allele1, alternate allele. chromosome and position are position of the SNP on NCBI36/hg18 build. Meta-analysis mean effect size (beta) is the inverse-variance weighted estimate derived from individual discovery study; sebeta is its standard error. p is meta-analysis P-value; npops is the number of populations used for meta-analysis at that locus; n is the total number of samples used in individual level GWASs. Meta-analysis estimates are corrected for inflation of test statistics using genomic control at the individual study level. The archive IgGGlycans_GWAMA_2013.tar.gz contains seventy-seven gzipped files corresponding to genome-wide association meta-analysis (GWAMA) of seventy-seven IgG glycans traits.
Huffman, Jennifer; Hayward, Caroline. (2016). Dataset pertaining to the publication “Loci Associated with N-Glycosylation of Human Immunoglobulin G Show Pleiotropy with Autoimmune Diseases and Haematological Cancers”, [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine.