Debates on slavery and abolition held by student debating societies at the University of Edinburgh, 1765-1870



This dataset compiles information relating to debates on slavery and abolition held by two student debating societies at the University of Edinburgh – the Dialectic Society (est. 1787) and the Speculative Society (est. 1764) – between the years 1765 and 1870. The dataset has been produced using published histories of the two student societies and the administrative records of the Dialectic Society (equivalent archival records for the Speculative Society have not been located): History of the Dialectic Society (1887); History of the Speculative Society of Edinburgh from its Institution in 1764 (1845); and Records of University of Edinburgh Dialectic Society, EUA GD9, Edinburgh University Library Archives. Data includes the debates' dates, titles, and outcomes (i.e. affirmative or negative, and the number of votes either way); and attendees’ names, positions taken during debates and additional information on their backgrounds and post-university careers. This dataset has been produced for the Decolonised Transformations project (2022-24), part of the University of Edinburgh’s Race Review, and forms the basis of a forthcoming historical study by the data depositor, Dr Simon Buck. Users should be aware that this dataset draws from historical sources meaning it contains both racist language and offensive ideas about people of African descent.
Date made available15 Jul 2025
PublisherEdinburgh DataShare
Temporal coverage1765 - 1870
Geographical coverageEdinburgh,Great Britain,Africa,Caribbean,USA,Scotland,UK,UNITED KINGDOM

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