Exploration of pneumonia related policy formation and implementation in Pakistan

  • Hana Mahmood (Creator)
  • Tabish Hazir (Creator)
  • Laura Gonzalez Rienda (Data Manager)
  • Hira Kiani (Creator)
  • Syed Yahya Sheraz (Creator)



The study was conducted in two phases. The first consisted of content analysis of pneumonia related documents and 20 in depth interviews with policy stakeholders. Data was analyzed through an integrated approach. The second phase consisted of social network research conducted by studying actors linked together by social relations achieved through net mapping exercise. Data was analyzed through the Organizational Risk Analyzer (ORA).

This metadata record (this Pure dataset record) replaces the one which can be found at https://doi.org/10.7488/5428ef59-fd8b-4bfd-8a05-3e4a358e46db .


In Pakistan, numerous programs have been launched for management of acute respiratory infections. However, despite completion, state of pneumonia mortality remains unchanged, as no sustainable solutions have been yielded by these programs.
To identify and analyze pneumonia related policies in Pakistan for children under five and identify key stakeholders who influence these policies and program financially and technically.
Date made available21 Feb 2022
PublisherEdinburgh DataVault
Temporal coverage1 Jun 2018 - 15 Oct 2020
Date of data production1 Jun 2018 - 15 Oct 2020
Geographical coveragePakistan

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