This dataset pertains to genotypes of individual Sasso chickens that were raised in semi-scavenging conditions in Ethiopia as part of a project collaboration with ILRI to study these commercial chickens. Data pertains to individual SNPs obtained from imputed sequences after quality control procedures (described in the attached readme.txt file).
This dataset contains the genotypes, in PLINK binary format, for 2,358 individuals genotypes with around 2.9 million SNPs across the genome. This data has been already through quality control procedures with the following steps: only bi-allelic markers, minor allele frequency threshold of 0.02, genotype and sample call rates of 0.9 and linkage disequilibrium pruning (r2 > 0.80). Also, samples with IBS > 0.98 were removed due to being considered as duplicates.
Date made available | 9 Apr 2024 |
Publisher | Edinburgh DataShare |
Geographical coverage | ETHIOPIA,Addis Ababa,ET |