Lothian Diaries Dataset 1 (May-September 2020)



This archive contains all fully transcribed Lothian Diaries with maximum sharing consent (internet, TV, radio etc.) submitted to The Lothian Diary Project prior to 30 September 2020, along with accompanying survey data. There are 24 diaries submitted by participants who agree for their names to be made public (in folder 'Name_Public') and 21 by participants who would like to remain anonymous (in folder 'Anon_Public'). All diaries are identified by a unique participant ID consisting of the first 3/4 characters of the postcode (e.g. EH14), the speaker's gender (F/M) and their year of birth. Diaries are stored in either WAV format (audio) or MP4 format (video), depending on participant preference. Time-aligned transcriptions of both types of files are stored in tab-delimited plain text files. All transcriptions were auto-generated and have been hand-corrected. Demographic information and survey responses can be found in Lothian_Diaries_Participants_30092020.xlsx A copy of the Qualtrics survey, including questions for obtaining consent of use, can be found in Lothian_Diaries_Main_Survey_30062020.pdf A description of data collection and data processing methods can be found in Lothian_Diaries_Data_Collection_Processing.pdf

Data Citation

Hall-Lew, Lauren; Cowie, Claire; Lai, Catherine; Liu, Shan-Jan Sarah; Markl, Nina; McNulty, Stephen; Alex, Bea; Llewellyn, Clare; Fang, Nini; Elliott, Zuzana; Klinger, Anita. (2021). Lothian Diaries Dataset 1 (May-September 2020) [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences. Linguistics and English Language. DataVault. 10.7488/7a22cc4b-87ec-4df3-a549-3b347fd4bca5.
Date made available30 Sept 2022
PublisherEdinburgh DataVault
Temporal coverage28 May 2020 - 30 Sept 2020
Date of data production25 May 2020 - 16 Feb 2021
Geographical coverageEdinburgh and the Lothians

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