Participants data supporting for 'Representation of event and object concepts in ventral anterior temporal lobe and angular gyrus'



This study collected fMRI data while participants processed object and event concepts (e.g., ‘an apple’, ‘a wedding’) presented as images and written words. The fMRI data were analysed with RSA, univariate and PPI analyses. RSA showed that AG encoded event concept similarity more than object similarity, although the left AG also encoded object similarity. Bilateral vATLs encoded both object and event concept structure, and left vATL exhibited stronger coding for events. PPI analysis revealed greater connectivity between left vATL and right pMTG, and between right AG and bilateral ITG and middle occipital gyrus, for event concepts compared to object concepts. These findings support the specialization of AG for event semantics, though with some involvement in object coding, but do not support vATL specialization for object concepts.
Date made available11 Oct 2023
PublisherEdinburgh DataShare
Temporal coverageJan 2022 - Oct 2023
Geographical coverageScotland

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