QAPLIB - A Quadratic Assignment Problem Library - Problem instances and solutions

  • Miguel Anjos (Creator)
  • SE Karisch (Creator)
  • F Rendl (Creator)
  • P. Hahn (Creator)
  • RE Burkard (Creator)
  • E Çela (Creator)



The Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) has remained one of the great challenges in combinatorial optimization. It is still considered a computationally nontrivial task to solve modest size problems, say of size n=25. The QAPLIB was first published in 1991, in order to provide a unified testbed for QAP, accessible to the scientific community. It consisted of virtually all QAP instances that were accessible to the authors at that time.

Data Citation

Burkard, RE; Çela, E; Karisch, SE; Rendl, F; Anjos, M; Hahn, P. (2022). QAPLIB - A Quadratic Assignment Problem Library - Problem instances and solutions, [dataset]. University of Edinburgh; Computational Optimization Research At Lehigh.
Date made available31 Mar 2022
PublisherEdinburgh DataShare

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