Raw and processed single cell RNAseq datasets related to McCracken et al, 2020 EHJ (stem cells to endothelial cell differentiation)



## Access ##
This dataset is held in the Edinburgh DataVault, directly accessible only to authorised University of Edinburgh staff. External users may request access to a copy of the data by contacting the Principal Investigator, Contact Person or Data Manager named on this page. University of Edinburgh users who wish to have direct access should consult the information about retrieving data from the DataVault at: https://www.ed.ac.uk/is/research-support/datavault.


Data related to McCracken et al, 2020 European Heart Journal paper (DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehz351): Transcriptional dynamics of pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cell (EC) differentiation revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing.
It includes:
The data were downloaded from published data and analysed. The folders contains .RDS files of all cells and ECs for all studied organs and combined analysis (related to paper Figure 6).
scRNAseq of H9 ESC(embryonic stem cells) to EC differentiation - study of time point day 0, 4, 6 and 8. This is relevant to Figure 1.
It also includes the scRNAseq of HDLEC (human dermal lymphatic EC).
scRNAseq performed for the revisions of the manuscript. It includes: H9 ESC to EC differentiation time point day 8 and 12, RC11 (different ECS line) ESC to EC differentiation - time point day4, 6 an 8 (Figure 2), H9 ESC differentiation with five factor differentiation protocol - time point day2, 5 and 6.
#scRNAseq of HPAEC done by Fernando de la Cuesta (data 11090).
The HUVEC scRNAseq data is part of the EndMT scRNAseq dataset (DataVault: EndMT scRNAseq - related to Monteiro et al, Circ Res 2021 DOI: 10.7488/c99be5e6-15cd-4667-ac44-42adeb2950ca).
#figures_march_2019 - some image files of the manuscript.
Data should be kept for 10 year after publication (until March 2030) as per funder policy.
Date made available5 Mar 2024
PublisherEdinburgh DataVault

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