Simulated metagenomic dataset for Smith et al. 2022



This dataset is simulated metagenomic data created by Rebecca (Becky) Smith, PhD student at the Roslin Institute in Mick Watson's group. This data is described in detail in Smith et al. 2022, but briefly these reads were simulated using InSilicoSeq ( with the hiseq exponential model, and 150bp. The genomes used to create this data are from the Hungate Collection (paper at and sequences at ).

Data Citation

Smith, Rebecca; Watson, Mick. (2022). Simulated metagenomic dataset for Smith et al. 2022, [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. The Roslin Institute.
Date made available22 Apr 2022
PublisherEdinburgh DataShare
Geographical coverageUNITED KINGDOM,UK

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