Spatiotemporal clock patterns in the leaf blade

  • Andrew Millar (Creator)
  • Bénédicte Wenden (Creator)
  • Sarah Hodge (Creator)



    We used luciferase reporter gene imaging to monitor circadian rhythms in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana plants, achieving resolution close to the cellular level. Leaves grown without environmental cycles for up to 3 wk reproducibly showed spatiotemporal waves of gene expression consistent with intercellular coupling, using several reporter genes.

    This dataset contains:
    1) Experiments performed by Benedicte Wenden:
    - 35S_LL_120310
    - CCA1_LDgrownLLimaged_180310 - CCA1_LL_040210
    - CCA1_LL_251109 - CCR2_LL_300610 - TOC1_LL_140710

    2) Experiments performed by Sarah Hodge after the publication of Wenden et al., 2012:
    - 2012-CCA1-Sarah_Hodge-good_quality
    - 2012-CCA1-Sarah_Hodge-med_quality

    Data Citation

    Millar, Andrew; Wenden, Benedicte; Hodge, Sarah. (2021). Spatiotemporal clock patterns in the leaf blade, [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. School of Biological Sciences. SynthSys..
    Date made available4 May 2021
    PublisherEdinburgh DataShare

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