Data for reproducing plots in Clark and Nolan (2024), "Task-anchored grid cell firing is selectively associated with successful path integration-dependent behaviour". eLife.
These files contain processed neural and behavioural data recording from mice performing a spatial navigation task in a virtual reality track environment, followed by free-exploration of an open arena.
To reproduce analysis for the publication, use this data and code found on the Nolan Lab Github and follow these steps:
(1) Clone the in_vivo_ephys_openephys (https://github.com/MattNolanLab/in_vivo_ephys_openephys/) repo that contains all code for preprocessing and spike sorting
(2) Clone eLife_Grid_anchoring_2024 (https://github.com/MattNolanLab/eLife_Grid_anchoring_2024.git)
(3) Move eLife_Grid_anchoring_2024 to within in_vivo_ephys_openephys
(4) Create a conda environment using grid_behaviour.yml (conda env create -f grid_behaviour.yml)
(4) Run code within eLife_Grid_anchoring_2024 using data provided here
(5) amend paths for saving plots where appropriate
These files contain processed neural and behavioural data recording from mice performing a spatial navigation task in a virtual reality track environment, followed by free-exploration of an open arena.
To reproduce analysis for the publication, use this data and code found on the Nolan Lab Github and follow these steps:
(1) Clone the in_vivo_ephys_openephys (https://github.com/MattNolanLab/in_vivo_ephys_openephys/) repo that contains all code for preprocessing and spike sorting
(2) Clone eLife_Grid_anchoring_2024 (https://github.com/MattNolanLab/eLife_Grid_anchoring_2024.git)
(3) Move eLife_Grid_anchoring_2024 to within in_vivo_ephys_openephys
(4) Create a conda environment using grid_behaviour.yml (conda env create -f grid_behaviour.yml)
(4) Run code within eLife_Grid_anchoring_2024 using data provided here
(5) amend paths for saving plots where appropriate
Date made available | 23 Feb 2024 |
Publisher | Edinburgh DataShare |