Theirworld Edinburgh Birth Cohort (TEBC) and PREterm birth as a determinant of Neurodevelopment and COGnition in children: mechanisms and causal evidence (PRENCOG)



TEBC is a prospective, longitudinal cohort of preterm and term infants which aims to investigate neuroanatomic variation and adverse outcomes associated with preterm birth, using brain using MRI linked to biosamples and clinical, environmental and neuropsychological data. PRENCOG is a programme of research with the overarching aim to determine the biological, psychosocial and socioeconomic preterm birth-associated risk factors (PTB-RFs) that lead to adverse neurodevelopmental, cognitive, and educational outcomes in children born preterm and to identify the neuroendocrine and epigenetic axes that embed these risks in brain development. The programme is organised in 4 work packages: WP1 is a national population-based cohort study; WP2 is an exposure-based short-term cohort study; WP3 is an exposure-based longitudinal cohort study (TEBC); WP4 is a participatory project. This vault contains datasets linked to published manuscripts using TEBC and PRENCOG data.

Data Citation

Boardman JP "Theirworld Edinburgh Birth Cohort - Publication Datasets" Edinburgh DataVault 2022
Date made available19 Apr 2022
PublisherEdinburgh DataVault

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