Whole slide images of armadillo liver from M.leprae dataset



Whole slide images of H&E stained sections of liver from nine-banded armadillos chronically systemically infected by Mycobacterium leprae, resistant to systemic infection by Mycobacterium leprae, or uninfected. Images acquired on a Hamamatsu NanoZoomer in .ndpi format.

Data Citation

Kendall, Timothy; Rambukkana, Anura. (2021). Whole slide images of armadillo liver from M.leprae dataset, [dataset]. University of Edinburgh. College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. Deanery of Clinical Sciences. MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine. https://doi.org/10.7488/ds/3147.
Date made available31 Mar 2023
PublisherEdinburgh DataShare
Geographical coverageUK,UNITED KINGDOM

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