Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry Laboratory and Mass Spectrometry Laboratories (ICP)

Facility/equipment: Facility

    Equipments Details


    The ICP facility has two instrumental types - the ICP-OES and ICP-MS instruments.

    The Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES) Lab (room 235) is equipped with a Laminar Flow bench, autosampler and a Vista Pro ICP-OES. Final sample preparation steps (dilution, standard addition) are done in the laminar flow bench. The ICP-OES technique provides quantitative bulk elemental (major and trace) composition as well as element ratios of preliminary digested rock, water or soil samples at concentrations ranging from ppm to ppb. Analyses of trace and redox sensitive elements in sediments and of contaminants in soil and plants are common examples of ICP-OES applications.

    The Brian Price ICP-MS Laboratory (room 241) is equipped with a high resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (AttoM, HR-ICP-MS) and a multi-collector Inductively Coupled Plasma- Mass Spectrometer (Plasma II MC-ICP-MS). Both instruments can be coupled to an excimer Laser ablation system for analysing non-dissolved samples (e.g. rocks, shells). The AttoM provides rapid and precise isotope ratio and quantitative analysis of trace elements in solid (with Laser ablation) and liquid phases at concentration below ppm levels.

    For more demanding isotopic ratio measurements and some specific applications (Si and Fe isotopes), the plasma II MC-ICP-MS is used. In 2019, a SeaFAST system - automated sample introduction system for analysis of seawater and other high matrix samples- was purchased to analyse trace elements on the SF-HR-ICPMS, opening up new avenues for developments.

    The ICP labs are underpinned by a sample preparation and Clean Lab (room 225, Grant Institute), described under the OCL facility tag.


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