Projects per year
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Tommaso LECF 24: The Colonial Middle Ages: Architecture, Revival and Italian Imperialism, 1911–36
1/01/25 → 31/12/27
Project: Research
To All My Homosexual Schoolmasters: Intergenerational Learning in the Archives of AIDS Activism
24/04/23 → 23/04/24
Project: Research
SGSAH AHRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
9/01/23 → 30/09/23
Project: Project from a former institution
Parametres for Understanding Uncertainty: Creative Practice and Sonic Detection as strategies for scientific outreach (P4UU)
Collins, R.
16/01/22 → 15/01/23
Project: Research
Parametres for Understanding Uncertainty: Creative Practice and Sonic Detection as Strategies for Scientific Outreach
Collins, R.
15/01/22 → 16/01/23
Project: Awarded Facility Time
P4UU: Parametres for Understanding Uncertainty: Creative Practice and Sonic Detection as strategies for scientific outreach
Collins, R.
15/01/22 → 15/01/23
Project: Research
The Transmutation of Patterns and the Role of Women in Insular Art - Cynthia Thickpenny
1/09/21 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
Stolen Voices: Listening as Site-Specific Creative Practice on the East Coast of the UK
Collins, R.
1/06/21 → 20/12/21
Project: Research