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Doing Disability Futures
Young, I., McCormack, D., Hellstrand, I. & Käll, L.
1/04/24 → 31/03/26
Project: Research
PuRe: Pulmonary rehabilitation delivered in low resource settings (LMICs) for people with chronic respiratory disease: a 3-arm assessor-blind implementation
Pinnock, H., Stoddart, A., Weir, C., Rabinovich, R., McQuillan, R. & Jackson, T.
1/03/24 → 31/08/27
Project: Research
SCOPE: Service Co-Design to Enhance Post-Abortion Contraception Access in Scotland (SCOPE) Study
Boydell, N., Harden, J., Cameron, S., Reynolds-Wright, J. & Larsson, M.
1/03/24 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
EthnoCC: An ethnographic approach to intimate experiences of early-stage cervical cancer and fertility sparing surgery
Ventura Garcia, L. & Pickersgill, M.
1/09/23 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
Protection Of Vulnerable Women Against HPV Infection And Cervical Cancer - An Exploratory Study
1/09/23 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
DRNS: The Drugs Research Network Scotland
Ross, A., Robertson, R., Bancroft, A., Eddleston, M. & Scholin, L.
1/08/23 → 31/07/26
Project: Other
Research and Infrastructure Pillar 3: Useable Data: Phenomics and Prognostic Atlas
1/04/23 → 31/05/28
Project: Research
Production of Evidence Syntheses for the Evidence Synthesis Programme
Price, J., Theodoratou, E., Mead, G., Todhunter-brown, A., Stewart, M., Campbell, P., France, E. F., Neilson, A., Keerie, C., Stansby, G. & Matthews, P.
1/04/23 → 31/03/28
Project: Research
TAP: Tobacco control policies and the health of Adolescents in Pakistan (TAP): a multi-method study
Bauld, L., Sheikh, A., Siddiqi, K., Hewitt, C., Moodie, C., Khan, A., Khan, Z. & Rafiq, N. M.
1/11/22 → 31/10/25
Project: Research
Acute illness and long-term cognitive decline in later life: causes and consequences
1/09/22 → 31/08/27
Project: Research
NIHR Global Health Research Unit On Respiratory Health (RESPIRE-2)
Campbell, H., Nair, H., Sheikh, A., Weller, D., Stagg, H., Pinnock, H., Rudan, I., Norrie, J., Bauld, L., Grant, L., McQuillan, R. & Cunningham, S.
1/06/22 → 31/05/26
Project: Research
Psychosis Recovery Orientation in Malawi by Improving Services and Engagement
Lawrie, S., Allardyce, J., Jain, S., Macbeth, A., McIntosh, A. & Pickersgill, M.
1/03/22 → 28/02/27
Project: Research
Vapeline - Do e-cigarettes help smokers quit when not accompanied by intensive behavioural support? - NIHR-HTA Trial
Miller, M., Dobbie, F. & Bauld, L.
1/08/21 → 31/05/25
Project: Research
One Health Models of Disease: Science, Ethics and Society
Fitzgerald, R., Gray, G. & Pickersgill, M.
1/10/20 → 30/09/28
Project: Research
Evaluation of the daily mile physical activity programme
1/09/16 → …
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
A realist evaluation of the pilot of the School Nursing Programme
1/03/16 → …
Project: Research Collaboration with external organisation
Statistics module development for University postgraduate ODL programmes in the health sciences and informatics
20/03/15 → …
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
Development of an intervention for parents with teenage children in Scotland
3/11/14 → …
Project: Research Collaboration with external organisation
Audit of exercise referral scheme activity in Scotland (2).
1/11/10 → …
Project: Project from a former institution
An evaluation to assess the implementation of NHS delivered Alcohol Brief Interventions in Primary Care
1/03/10 → …
Project: Project from a former institution
Audit of exercise referral scheme activity in Scotland (1).
4/01/10 → …
Project: Project from a former institution
Prison health needs assessment for alcohol problems.
1/09/09 → …
Project: Project from a former institution
Developing a sexual and reproductive health justice agenda in Scotland
Purcell, C., Young, I., Boydell, N., Riddell, J. & Lewis, R.
1/01/24 → 31/07/24
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
Systems Engineering and Thinking To Transform Transitions in health and care for people with multiple long-term conditions
Anand, A., Underwood, I., Kerby, T., O'Donnell, A., Guthrie, B., Arakelyan, S., Tooman, T., Ihnatenko, D., Hartley, L., Jacko, J. & Cunningham, C.
1/07/23 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
PRoGRAM-A: Preventing Gambling Related Harm in Adolescents - NIHR PRP Trial
Miller, M., Dobbie, F., Noble, L. & Niven, A.
23/03/23 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
Describing, characterising and predicting winter respiratory accident and emergency attendances, hospital and intensive care unit adminssions and deaths
Sheikh, A., Shi, T., Daines, L., Marsh, K., Katikireddi, S. V., McCowan, C., Kurdi, A., Simpson, C. R. & Fagbamigbe, A. F.
5/01/23 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
Targeting Therapies: Exploring the Cultural and Normative Dimensions of 'Targeted' Approaches to Biomedicine and Public Health
Pickersgill, M. & Geiger, S.
1/12/22 → 31/05/24
Project: Research
Social Science issues relating to Monkeypox
Garcia Iglesias, J., Pickersgill, M., Chataway, J., Horwood, J., Nagington, M., May, T., Amlôt, R., Williams, J., Buijsen, S. & McHugh, C.
1/10/22 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
SUPREMO Quality of Life, a sub-study of the SUPREMO breast cancer trial (E22051)
1/09/22 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
Building An International Precision Medicine Platform Trial For The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Norrie, J.
1/09/22 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
DASHES: DASHES (Drug and Alcohol Service Users Help to Exit Smoking) - CSO Funded
Miller, M., Dobbie, F., Bauld, L., Noble, L., McKenna, A., Pringle, B. & McCallum, A.
1/05/22 → 31/07/24
Project: Research
PACT: ‘Post-abortion contraception: A qualitative study of women’s experiences’
Harden, J., Boydell, N., Reynolds-Wright, J. & Cameron, S.
1/04/22 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Biology, data science and the making of precision education
Williamson, B., Pykett, J., Pickersgill, M. & Kotouza, D.
6/09/21 → 5/09/23
Project: Research
Evaluation of the provision of Early Medical Abortion at Home
Cameron, S., Brown, A., Boydell, N., Reynolds-Wright, J., Harden, J. & Purcell, C.
1/09/21 → 31/01/23
Project: Research