Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 248 results
Search results
Unravelling challenges to lifelong health by next generation Mass Spectrometry
Homer, N., Andrew, R., Morgan, R., Nixon, M., Reynolds, R., Stimson, R., Denham, S., Meddle, S. & Simpson, J.
1/10/24 → 30/09/25
Project: Research
Building for health centred, net zero aligned Food Systems Transformation - A Living Good Food Nation Lab
Brennan, M., Moore, N., Fletcher, I., Jaacks, L., Alexander, P., Wilson, M., Darmon, I. & Simm, G.
1/04/24 → 30/04/27
Project: Research
PTAS: A co-design approach to developing novel clinical reasoning assessments
Corbishley, A., MacKay, J., Hughes, K., McKenzie, C., Knight, P. & Clarkson, E.
9/01/24 → 8/01/26
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
Protection Of Vulnerable Women Against HPV Infection And Cervical Cancer - An Exploratory Study
1/09/23 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
DRNS: The Drugs Research Network Scotland
Ross, A., Robertson, R., Bancroft, A., Eddleston, M. & Scholin, L.
1/08/23 → 31/07/26
Project: Other
Early Career Scholars Writing Workshop in Southern Africa: networking and capacity building
3/04/23 → 3/03/25
Project: Research
Health Data Research UK Scotland 2023-28
Robertson, D., Bennie, M., Black, C., Dibben, C., Pearson, E., Parsons, M., Pell, J. P., Sheikh, A. & McCowan, C.
1/04/23 → 31/03/28
Project: Research
YARNST: The development of a nurse-led holistic, neurological rehabilitation which supports the psychosocial rehabilitation and survivorship of young adults following an Acquired Brain Injry (ABI) - YARNS Transitions
Holloway, A., Kelly, D., Chandler, C., Clarissa, C., Aviles, L., Haycock-Stuart, E., Stenhouse, R. & Wauthier, L.
6/02/23 → …
Project: Research
TAP: Tobacco control policies and the health of Adolescents in Pakistan (TAP): a multi-method study
Bauld, L., Sheikh, A., Siddiqi, K., Hewitt, C., Moodie, C., Khan, A., Khan, Z. & Rafiq, N. M.
1/11/22 → 31/10/25
Project: Research
NIHR Global Health Resesarch Centre for Improving Mental and Physical Health Together
Sheikh, A., Siddiqi, K. & Samad, Z.
1/10/22 → 30/09/27
Project: Research
NIHR Global Health Research Unit On Respiratory Health (RESPIRE-2)
Campbell, H., Nair, H., Sheikh, A., Weller, D., Stagg, H., Pinnock, H., Rudan, I., Norrie, J., Bauld, L., Grant, L., McQuillan, R. & Cunningham, S.
1/06/22 → 31/05/26
Project: Research
Immune cell dynamics predictive of vaccine protection in Atlantic salmon
1/05/22 → 30/04/25
Project: Research
Psychosis Recovery Orientation in Malawi by Improving Services and Engagement
Lawrie, S., Allardyce, J., Jain, S., Macbeth, A., McIntosh, A. & Pickersgill, M.
1/03/22 → 28/02/27
Project: Research
Supporting Teacher Reflection through Visualisation of Classroom Practices Data
Kinnear, G., Wood, A., MacKay, J. & Christie, H.
1/12/20 → …
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
Food Security, Migration and Mobility in Senegal and Zimbabwe
Dieng, R.
18/03/19 → …
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
Food security, Innovation and Migration in Senegal and Zimbabwe: Lessons for Africa
Dieng, R.
18/03/19 → …
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
A curriculum for climate justice: a collaborative investigation of the challenges and opportunities for climate change education through a social justice lens
Mcgregor, C., Christie, B. & Higgins, P.
1/03/16 → …
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
"My Neigbhourhood" spoken word, music and photo performance
Furniss, J.
1/01/16 → …
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
An exploration of the day-to-day experiences of Health Visitors using a ‘routine enquiry’ approach to domestic abuse.
Cuthill, F. & Johnston, L.
2/11/15 → …
Project: Research Collaboration with external organisation
The Bones Collective
Smith, J., Harries, J., Fibiger, L., Fontein, J., Harper, I., Major, L. & Hodson, E.
1/08/15 → …
Project: Other (Non-Funded/Miscellaneous)
West AFrican Modernism: Conserving West African Modernism Project
Uduku, O.
10/07/15 → …
Project: Research Collaboration with external organisation
CHSS KE & IG: CHSS Knowledge Exchange & Impact Grant: Think Tank Event: Alcohol related harm in Scotland: disseminating new evidence and identifying policy-relevant research priorities.
Cuthill, F.
6/03/15 → …
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
Urban Project: Urbanism as instrument of societal amelioration
Kaminer, T.
10/01/14 → …
Project: Non-Funded Commission or Consultancy work
EdenApp: Eden App Digital Tools for Environmental Analysis
Uduku, O.
9/05/11 → …
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
Digital Innovation for Health Systems Strengthening and Good Governance in Global Health
1/01/11 → 1/12/25
Project: Research
Not started
Making Sense of Communities of Practice with Social and Epistemic Network Analysis
Pantic, N., Florian, L., Viry, G. & Galey, S.
Project: Research
Fleming Fund Fellowship Scheme
Fitzgerald, R., Muwonge, A., Paterson, G., Porphyre, T., Bronsvoort, M., Woolhouse, M. & Templeton, K.
Project: Research
Ixchel: Building understanding of the physical, cultural and socio-economic drivers of risk for strengthening resilience in the Guatemalan cordillera
Anglia, U., MacKenzie, L., Calder, E., Cupples, J., Stuart, N. & Phillips, J.
Project: Research
Building community evidence for urban parklets in Edinburgh
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
Being Human National Humanities Festival, USA, Grant, 2024: “Living Histories, Living Plants: Film, Food, and Fellowship on the Carolina Garden Trail”
Stokes, A., Gillman, J., Johnson, T. & Wilson, M.
26/03/24 → 26/03/24
Project: Research Collaboration with external organisation
Understanding Environmental Conditions of Detention: Guarding against Prohibited Treatment
1/03/24 → 30/06/24
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
Child Access to Services: Estimating Travel time to health centres in Sub-Saharan Africa
Watmough, G., Seth, S., Mlambo, R., Ó Héir, S. & Delamónica , E.
1/02/24 → 31/08/24
Project: Research