Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 85 results
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dAIEDGE: A network of excellence for distributed, trustworthy, efficient and scalable AI at the Edge
1/09/23 → 31/08/26
Project: Research
Detecting synthetic proteins designed to avoid immune-surveillance
1/10/22 → 30/09/24
Project: Research
Child Access to Services: Estimating Travel time to health centres in Sub-Saharan Africa
Watmough, G., Seth, S., Mlambo, R., Ó Héir, S. & Delamónica , E.
1/02/24 → 31/08/24
Project: Research
ObesityNCDS: Harnessing data from the National Child Development Survey to model the spatial and longitudinal trends in obesity in the UK
Nightingale, G., Seth, S., Othieno, R. & de Silva, S.
1/08/23 → 31/10/23
Project: Research
A Novel Framework for Synthetic Intelligence and Synthetic Culture
Vidmar, M., Hemment, D., Seth, S., Panas, D. & Morgan, E.
1/08/23 → 31/07/24
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
Mapping child poverty disparities in Iraq using Earth Observation data
Watmough, G., Seth, S., Mutua, J., Panas, D. & Mlambo, R.
30/06/23 → 31/05/24
Project: Consultancy
GENVAX: Mapping gender related barriers for immunisation using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Watmough, G., Agarwal, S., Seth, S. & Panciera, R.
1/01/23 → 31/07/24
Project: Research
Patient Stratification using Supervised Clustering to Inform Better Treatment in the Critically Ill
1/10/22 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
SEASNUT: How can we produce a time series of country level childhood wasting estimates, accounting for seasonality: exploring the impact of survey timing?
Watmough, G., Agarwal, S., Seth, S., Hutton, C. & Odipo, V.
1/09/22 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
GRIP: Grasp Restoration with Intelligent sensing and Processing
24/03/21 → 31/07/21
Project: Research
User-centred and data-driven prosthetic hands - Beyond the laboratory
Nazarpour, K. & Wu, H.
15/02/21 → 31/07/21
Project: Research
A smart electrode housing to improve the control of upper limb myoelectric prostheses
1/02/21 → 31/01/24
Project: Research
4D quantification of micro-scale feedbacks in dehydrating, deforming rocks
Fusseis, F., Butler, I., Seth, S. & Elphick, S.
1/01/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Not Just Energy Futures
Watmough, G., Cross, J., Seth, S. & Palmer, P.
1/03/19 → 31/07/19
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
PPLS Pilot Project: Differential hemispheric effects on the cognitive processing of words with small or large referents
Shillcock, R.
1/07/14 → 15/09/14
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
US Partnering Award: Systems Biology of Plants and Algae, from Molecular Networks to Informatics Infrastructure.
Millar, A., Le Bihan, T. & Simpson, I.
1/06/14 → 31/05/18
Project: Research
Balancing resource and energy usage for optimal performance in a neural system
1/10/13 → 30/09/16
Project: Research
Research in the wild 2012:Learning energy systems: a dynamic innovative solution to reducing energy
Carter, K., Goddard, N., Pedreschi, R., Speed, C. & Williams, R.
30/09/13 → 30/09/15
Project: Research
App Guarden: Resilient Application Stores
Aspinall, D., Franke, B., Gordon, A., Sannella, D., Stark, I. & Sutton, C.
1/09/13 → 31/08/16
Project: Research
Probabilistic inference deficits in schizophrenia: computational approaches
14/07/13 → 14/07/17
Project: Research
Statistical Language Processing for Programming Language Text
UK industry, commerce and public corporations
1/10/12 → 31/12/16
Project: Research
MLCS - Machine learning for computational science statistical and formal modeling of biological systems
Sanguinetti, G.
1/10/12 → 30/09/17
Project: Research
Machine Learning Markets
UK industry, commerce and public corporations
1/09/12 → 31/08/16
Project: Research
Machine learning in systems biology: inference and structure learning of plants' circadian clocks
Sanguinetti, G.
UK industry, commerce and public corporations
8/02/12 → 8/02/15
Project: Research
Neurodynamics: heterogeneity, noise, delays, and plasticity in neural systems
Van Rossum, M.
1/01/12 → 30/06/12
Project: Research
Deep Learning for Speech Recognition
UK industry, commerce and public corporations
1/10/11 → 31/03/15
Project: Research
Fast, locally adaptive interference for machine learning in graphical models
1/10/11 → 30/09/14
Project: Research
ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship for Shirley Paul: How do average and highly skilled readers differ in utilising contextual support in text reading?
Paul, S. & Shillcock, R.
1/12/10 → 30/11/11
Project: Research
Novel analytical and datasharing tools for rich neuronal activity datasets obtained with a 4,096 electrodes array
Hennig, M., Eglen, S. & Sernagor, E.
15/10/10 → 14/03/12
Project: Research
A systems biological approach to elucidate local protein systhesis code in plasticity and memory - ERA SysBIO
30/08/10 → 29/08/13
Project: Research
Learn 2 Hear & See: Perceptual, Contextual, and Cross-modal learning in hearing and vision
1/05/10 → 30/04/13
Project: Research
CLIMB: Advancing machine learning methodology for new classes of prediction problems.
Sanguinetti, G.
1/04/10 → 31/03/11
Project: Research
Acquisition of Richa annotated corpus of Binocular eye-movements from dyslexic readers
Shillcock, R., Kreiner, H. & Obregon, M.
1/12/09 → 30/11/10
Project: Research
Computational models of interactions between developmental and homeostatic processes during nervous system development
1/10/09 → 30/09/14
Project: Research
Structured and graphical queries for Drosophila neuroscience data
1/07/09 → 30/09/12
Project: Research
UK Neuroinformatics Node: Contributing to the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility
Willshaw, D.
5/06/09 → 4/06/12
Project: Research
Learning and inference in highly structured continuous-time stochastic systems
UK industry, commerce and public corporations
1/09/08 → 1/10/13
Project: Research
Context dependent and multimodal learning:from insect brains to robot controllers
7/04/08 → 6/04/11
Project: Research
Measuring and Modelling the dynamics of retinotopic map formation
Willshaw, D.
1/01/08 → 30/11/13
Project: Research