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Marek Atter
- Deanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences - Research Fellow in Cancer Informatics
Person: Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)
Craig Mackenzie
- Business School - Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Enterprise
- Accounting and Finance
- Climate Change and Sustainability
Person: Academic: Research Active
Ian Cochran
- Business School - Lecturer in Climate Finance & Investment
- Accounting and Finance
- Centre for Business, Climate Change and Sustainability
- Climate Change and Sustainability
Person: Academic: Research Active
Walker Ross
- Moray House School of Education and Sport - Lecturer in Sport Management & Digital Marketing
- Institute for Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences
Person: Academic: Research Active
Kate Carter
- Edinburgh College of Art - Senior Lecturer
- Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
Person: Academic: Research Active
Agnessa Spanellis
- Business School - Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Person: Academic: Research Active
Kenneth Amaeshi
- Business School - Personal Chair in Business and Sustainable Development
- Strategy
- Global Environment and Society Academy
- Global Health Academy
- Global Development Academy
- Culture, Accounting & Society Research Network
- Centre for Business, Climate Change and Sustainability
- Scaling Business in Africa
- Leadership, Organisations and Society
- Climate Change and Sustainability
- Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems
Person: Academic: Research Active
Johnny Hay
- Application Development and Operations - Senior Analyst Developer
Person: Non-Academic: Research Active
Neil Chue Hong
- EPCC - Personal Chair in Research Software Policy and Practice
Person: Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)
Beth Christie
- Moray House School of Education and Sport - Senior Lecturer
- Institute for Education, Teaching & Leadership
Person: Academic: Research Active
Ramsey Affifi
- Moray House School of Education and Sport - Lecturer in Science Education (Biology)
- Institute for Education, Teaching & Leadership
Person: Academic: Research Active , Academic: Not Research Active
Zoe Malcolm
- School of Social and Political Science - Lecturer in Sociology (Sustainable Development)
Person: Academic: Research Active
Adam Hejnowicz
- School of Geosciences - Lecturer in Climate Change Adaptation
Person: Academic: Research Active
Willow Mullins
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures - Lecturer in Scottish Ethnology
Person: Academic: Research Active
Matt Johnston
- School of Social and Political Science - Postdoctoral Research Fellow (SPARK - UK or Germany)
Person: Academic: Research Active
Lucy Wishart
- School of Geosciences - Lecturer in Circular Economy & Sustainability Transformation
Person: Academic: Research Active
Jillian Manner
- School of Health in Social Science - Research Fellow (PHIRST)
- Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy
Person: Academic: Research Active
Jess Britton
- School of Social and Political Science - Research Fellow, Research Fellow - Electric Power Innovation for a Carbon-fre
Person: Academic: Research Active
Gbenga Ibikunle
- Business School - Personal Chair of Finance
- Accounting and Finance
- Centre for Business, Climate Change and Sustainability
- Edinburgh Futures Institute
- Climate Change and Sustainability
- Edinburgh Centre for Financial Innovations
Person: Academic: Research Active
Hamish Kallin
- School of Geosciences - Lectureship in Human Geography
Person: Academic: Research Active (Teaching)
Kathi Kaesehage
- Business School - Senior Lecturer in Climate Change and Business Strategy
- Accounting and Finance
- Centre for Business, Climate Change and Sustainability
- Climate Change and Sustainability
Person: Academic: Research Active
Luca Taschini
- Business School - Chair in Climate Change Finance
- Accounting and Finance
- Centre for Business, Climate Change and Sustainability
- Climate Change and Sustainability
- Edinburgh Centre for Financial Innovations
Person: Academic: Research Active
Matthew Brander
- Business School - Personal Chair of Carbon Accounting
- Accounting and Finance
- Centre for Business, Climate Change and Sustainability
- Climate Change and Sustainability
Person: Academic: Research Active
Wenxuan Hou
- Business School - Personal Chair in Corporate Finance
- Accounting and Finance
- Corporate Finance
- Edinburgh Centre for Financial Innovations
Person: Academic: Research Active
Shirley McLauchlan
- Edinburgh College of Art - Lecturer - Textiles
- Design
Person: Academic: Research Active
Andrew Williams
- School of Health in Social Science - Senior Lecturer and Co-Director for SCPHRP
- Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy
Person: Academic: Research Active
Iona Beange
- Deanery of Clinical Sciences - Postdoctoral Knowledge Exchange Officer
- Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
- Edinburgh Neuroscience
Person: Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)
Jo Alexjuk
- School of Health in Social Science - Lecturer in Dementia
- Edinburgh Centre for Research on the Experience of Dementia
Person: Academic: Research Active
Simon Smith
- School of Engineering - Reader, Director of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Discipli
Person: Academic: Research Active
Mary Brennan
- Business School - Personal Chair of Food Marketing and Society
- Marketing
- Leadership, Organisations and Society
- Climate Change and Sustainability
- Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems
Person: Academic: Research Active
Adam Chalmers
- School of Social and Political Science - Senior Lecturer (European Union Politics)
Person: Academic: Research Active
Maurizio Tomasella
- Business School - Reader
- Management Science and Business Economics - Chancellor's Fellow in Management Science
- Edinburgh Strategic Resilience Initiative
- Management Science
Person: Academic: Research Active
Sarah Parry
- School of Social and Political Science - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic: Research Active
Peter Adkins
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures - Lecturer in Modernist Literature
Person: Academic: Research Active
Claire Haggett
- School of Social and Political Science - Senior Lecturer
- Global Development Academy
Person: Academic: Research Active
Peter Higgins
- Moray House School of Education and Sport - Professor
- Global Environment and Society Academy
- Academy of Sport
- Institute for Education, Teaching & Leadership
Person: Academic: Research Active
Fernanda Valente
- Business School - Research Fellow in Sustainable Analytics
Person: Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)
Zeynep Oguz
- School of Social and Political Science - Lecturer in Anthropology of Development
Person: Academic: Research Active
Sarah Huque
- School of Health in Social Science - Senior Research Fellow (Discovering Liveability)
Person: Academic: Research Active
Theodor Cojoianu
- Business School - Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Finance
- Edinburgh Centre for Financial Innovations
Person: Academic: Research Active
Graham Baker
- Moray House School of Education and Sport - Senior Lecturer
- Physical Activity for Health Research Centre
- Institute for Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences
Person: Academic: Research Active
Eugenia Rodrigues
- School of Social and Political Science - Lecturer in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies
Person: Academic: Research Active
Heidi Smith
- Moray House School of Education and Sport - Lecturer in Outdoor Learning
- Institute for Education, Teaching & Leadership
Person: Academic: Research Active