Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

The list of topics that I have supervised include Russian 19th, 20th and 21st literature and culture, comparative literature, European theatre and film adaptations of literary texts.

Personal profile


  • BA Hons (St Petersburg State Pedagogical University), 1980
  • MPhil (SSEES, UCL, University of London, 1989)
  • PhD (SSEES,UC, University of London) 1993

Prior to coming to the University of Edinburgh in January 2007, Dr Alexandra Smith taught at the University of Sheffield; University of Canterbury, New Zealand; University of Bristol and the University of Essex. She also worked for BBC2 and Channel 4 as a researcher and translator. She is a member of the editorial and advisory boards of several journals, including “New Zealand Slavonic Review”, “Australian East European and Slavonic Studies”, "The Dostoevsky Journal: An Independent Review” (Associate Editor; Brill),  “Experimental Poetics and Aesthetics", and "AvtobiographiIA" (University of Padua). Dr Smith is a member of the Editorial Board of the series "Edinburgh Critical Studies in Modernism, Drama and Performance" published by Edinburgh University Press and Oxford University Press. 

Research Interests

Dr Smiths's research interests include:

  • Literary and film theory
  • Critical theory and history of ideas
  • Comparative literature
  • Russian 19th-, 20th- and  21st- century literature  
  • European and Russian women’s writing
  • Russian and European drama and performance
  • Literature and other arts (theatre, film, music)
  • Émigré writing
  • Auto/biography

She welcomes postgraduate applications relating to her research interests and similar areas of study, including interdisciplinary approaches.

Research activity

  • In 2003-2007: a co-investigator in the inter-disciplinary project on post-Soviet Petersburg culture led by the University of Helsinki.
  • 2010-2013:  Awarded an ARHC grant jointly with Prof. Katharine Hodgson (University of Exeter) for the roject  "Reconfiguring the Canon of Twentieth-Century Russian Poetry, 1991-2008"  (£450,757; Sep.2010-April 2014);AH/H039619/1
  • Contributor to the  international project on Russian 19th- and 20th- century auto/biographical writing led by the University of Padua (2011-14).
  • 2012: a grant by the Centre for Research, Central and East European Studies,University of Glasgow, AHRC and British Academy for organising an international conference "Word and Image in Russian Contexts" (£3, 990). The conference was organised jointly with  Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinburgh.
  • 2013: a grant from the LLC for a one-day workshop on Russian and European modernist theatre and performance (4.10.2013, together with Professor Olga Taxidou (English Literature).
  • October 2015: £937 grant from the Centre for Research, Central and East European Studies, University of Glasgow/AHRC and British Academy for an international workshop “Tolstoy in different Contexts” (PI, 4.12.2015).
  • 2015: LLC impact grant  related to the production of 2 Russian plays at Oran Mor. (£5,000).  A joint project with the National Theatre of Scotland (October 2014 - May 2015) (co-investigator) [translated 2 Russian plays and assisted with many KE and publicity activities in the UK]
  • 2016: A joint award with Dr Isabelle Darmon (Department of Sociology, University of Edinburgh) from the Principal’s Teaching Award for the project “Theory on Stage” (£1,495) in April 2016 (co-investigator);
  • 2015-16: Moray Endowment Fund Award (£2,000) (for using a research assistant for the monograph on the Post- Soviet National Identity and Russian Poetry after 1991 (principle investigator).


Alexandra Smith CURRICULUM VITAE (June 2023)



Dr Alexandra Smith, Reader in Russian Studies, DELC,

School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Edinburgh. 

Date of appointment to the position of the Lecturer in Russian Studies at the University of Edinburgh: 1.01.2007. Date of promotion to the Readership: 1.08.2008.

Career since graduation:

University of Essex (Teaching Fellow in Russian, 1987-1990); University of Bristol (Lecturer in Russian, 1993- 94); University of Canterbury, New Zealand (Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Senior Lecturer above the Bar, 1995-June 2006); University of Sheffield (Lecturer in Russian, July – December 2006). 

University education 

BA Hons (equivalent of the 1st class Hons in Russian language and literature): Herzen State Pedagogical University, St Petersburg, 1976-1980 (degree award: 1980); MPhil, SSEES, UCL, University of London, 1987-1989; PhD: SSEES, UCL, University of London, 1990- 1993 (degree award: 1993; examiners: Prof. Pamela Davidson and Dr R. Aizlewood; supervisors: Dr D. Budgen and Prof. J. Graffy). 

Teaching experience:

University of Essex: translation, comprehension, and oral classes in Russian at all levels. University of Bristol: Russian literature courses (all levels); translation (4 -year), year-abroad coordinator.

University of Canterbury, New Zealand: Russian literature courses (all levels); language teaching (all levels); Russian option courses (coordinator and tutor): “Russian and Czech Utopian Literature”; “The Image of Peter the Great in Russian Culture”; “Russian language through the post-Soviet media”, and “Chekhov’s plays in English Translation”; Head of Russian Department (1999-2001); supervised to successful completion 7 MA theses (25,000 words) and 2 PhD theses.

University service/other (University of Canterbury):

University Academic Board Member (2003, 2004); School of Languages & Cultures Research Committee Member (2005); University Discipline Committee Member (2003- 2006); University Facilities Advisory Committee member (2003-2006); an appointed external member of the review panel of the Programme in Russian and Slavonic Studies at Monash University, Australia (2005); Chairperson of the Association of Australian and New Zealand Slavists (2003-2006).

University of Sheffield:

Oral and grammar classes (Russian 1B); Russian 1A (oral classes); second-year and fourth- year courses on post-Soviet culture (lecturer on post-Soviet film and literature); MSc course in Critical Theory; supervised 1 MPhil student writing on Bergson and Blok.

University of Edinburgh:

• Russian language courses at all levels; literary and cultural courses at all levels, and these courses that I have taught in the past: Introduction to European Theatre (until 2019_; Prose Fiction in Comparative Perspectives; Introduction to European Cinema (2008-2016); contribution to several MSc Programmes.

University of Edinburgh

Past UG teaching: second-year courses: The Golden and Silver Ages of Russian Literature; Introduction to European Theatre.

Current UG teaching:

• Great Russian Novel (RS4 option course and MSc course)

• "Post-Soviet Word, Image and Memory"(RS4 option course)

• The Golden Age of Russian Literature (2nd-year course: Russian and common DELC course)

• Utopia and Dystopia in Russian 20th-c. literature (2nd-year course; Russian and common DELC course).

Contribution to these UG courses:

• The Coming of Age Narrative (second-year course);

• Comparative Literature in a European and Global Perspective (UG and MSc version).

Current PG teaching:

• MSc in Film Studies (2008-2014)

• MSc Research Methods and Skills Course (2015- 2020)

• MSc core course in Comparative Literature (2008-present)

• MSc in European Theatre/MSc in Theatre and Performance Studies (2011-2019)

• MSc option course in Fantastic Fiction (sessions on Bulgakov) (2014-present)

• MSc option course in Comparative Literature (2 sessions on Nabokov) (2020-present)

• MSc core course in Intermediality (sessions on memory and literature and on theatrical adaptations; 

Administrative roles:

• Head of Russian: 2008-09, 2012 (S2), 2014-15, 2017-18 (S2); January 2018-June 2020; S1 in 2021-22).

• Deputy to the Head of Research (DELC) (2022-present)
•    DELC representative to the LLC Ethics Committee (2022-present)
•    Personal Tutor.
• Director of MSc Programme in Theatre and Performance (2015-2017). 
• LLC Coordinator for Equality and Diversity (2008-2016). 

• Member of the LLC’s appointments committee (July 2019; June 2015; December 

2014; July 2013). 

• Year-abroad coordinator of the Russian Section (2007-present). 

• Member of LLC library committee (2007-2019). 

• Member of the LLC’s advisory group on external grant applications/LLC group of peer-reviewers (2016- present). 

• Examiner of Russian, DELC and LLC exam papers, essays and dissertations related to Russian and European literature and culture. 

• Chair of several PhD exams in Film Studies and Islamic Studies; internal examiner of several PhD and MPhil projects in Russian Studies, Italian, German and Film Studies. 

• Co-leader of the DELC research strand “Cultural Encounters/Dialogues” (2015- 


• External Examiner for Russian Studies and MSc in Translation Studies at the 

University of Glasgow (2016-2020). 

• External Examiner for the BA Programme in Management in the Creative Arts, 

University of Manchester (2019-2021). 

•    Internal examiner for a PhD thesis in Intermediality (July 2023).

• Case worker for the University of Edinburgh’s UCU branch (April 2022- current).

Other relevant information: 

• Nominated for two teaching awards in 2021-22: “Teacher of the Year”; “Outstanding Course”; in 2014-15 and in 2015-16: “Teacher of the Year”; for the Best Research or Dissertation Supervisor award (2014-15); and in 2012-13 my second-year course “The Golden and Silver Ages of Russian Literature” was nominated for the “Outstanding Course” award. 

• 2007-2022: Supervised 52 Russian 4th-year dissertations; 21 MSc dissertations (MSC in Comparative literature, Intermediality, and in Theatre and Performance; 1 MPhil dissertation (co- supervised; Russian Studies); 11 PhD theses (including 9 theses as principal supervisor and 2 PhD theses as second supervisor). (Russian Literature; English Literature; Comparative Literature; European Theatre). Completed PhD and MPhil projects: 12. 

• Current PhD projects: co- supervisor (30%) (September 2019-): “The influence of Soviet Fantastic Fiction on Japanese literature” (Japanese Studies, co-supervisor: 30%); “Russian Orthodox and Anglican Ecumenism through Canonical Migration Theory” (50%) (2021-present) and “The Representation of Body in Holocaust Plays” (co-supervisor: 50%) (2022-present); 

• 2007-2023: External Examiner for 8 PhD theses defended at the University of Nottingham (2008 and 2012), the University of Helsinki (2008), the University of Canterbury, New Zealand (2010), the University of Oxford (2010), the University of Exeter (2016), the University of Sheffield (2017, and Murdoch University, Australia (2019); PhD, External Examiner for the University of Birmingham (April 2023). 

• IAD Research Training course “Research leaders” (completed: 2012). 

• Chairperson of the Australian and New Zealand Slavists’ Association (2003-2006); 

member of the Association of Slavic, Eurasian and East European Studies; American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages; British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies. 


• A recipient of Alexander Nove Prize for the best book published in 2020. (Awarded in 2022 by the British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies for the co-authored book [with Katharine Hodgson) Katharine Hodgson and Alexandra Smith, Poetic Canons, Cultural Memory and Russian National Identity after 1991 (Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Vienna: Peter Lang, 2020). ( The assessors’ summary of the book is as follows: “This is an original and compelling work which speaks to a wide array of important topics in Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet studies, far beyond its principal literary focus. Poetic Canons, Cultural Memory and Russian National Identity after 1991 provides an absorbing analysis of what the shifting canon of Russia’s twentieth-century poetry reveals about changing Russian identity formation in the twenty-first century. Carefully researched and lucidly written, Poetic Canons returns to poets well established in the literary firmament, but also more unfamiliar poets and texts that have been added to post-Soviet canons. The book is structured around examinations of different poetic genres, each of which confronts a sensitive issue in the historical memory and national identity. These include cogent examination of poetry confronting nostalgia for a lost Empire, the commemoration of war, the lost world of the Russian villages, the national trauma of the Gulag, the rediscovery of religious language and poetic forms, deconstructions of the Pushkin myth in postmodernist poetry, and the role of parody in identity formation. Each of these chapters makes a substantial contribution to their respective fields. Collectively they offer far-reaching analysis of the importance of language, and its veneration, in the expression and formation of national identity, and the centrality of culture in imagining Russia.Poetry emerges as a cultural space in which traumatic experiences and memories, and prevailing concerns about national identity in the present are processed and regulated. In a work of great interdisciplinary sophistication the authors interweave eloquent discussion of individual poets and poems, as well as examination of the bearing of these materials on ongoing debates about historical memory, contemporary politics, and national identity. It stands out for the subtlety and accessibility of its handling of its poetic materials, but also its insightful contributions to history, politics, and the social sciences”.

• Co-winner of the ASEES’s Pushkin Prize contest. The winning essay’s details: “The Poetics of Expressiveness and Some Aspects of Non-Verbal Communication in Pushkin’s Work”, Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, vol.13, Number 2, 1999, pp.95-114. 

Major research interests: 

Russian literature (19th- , 20th- , and 21st- century); comparative literature; intermediality/literature and other arts (theatre, film, visual culture and music); cultural dialogues/encounters; Russian émigré writing; auto/biography; literary theory; adaptation theory; film theory; gender studies.

Membership of editorial and advisory boards: 

Member of the editorial and advisory boards of journals and series, including “New Zealand Slavonic Review”, “Australian East European and Slavonic Studies”, "The Dostoevsky Journal: A Comparative Literature Review” (Associate Editor; Brill), “Experimental Poetics and Aesthetics" (until 2007), "AvtobiographiЯ" (University of Padua), “Novyi zhurnal/New Review" (New York, USA); “Edinburgh Critical Studies in Modernism, Drama and Performance" published by the Edinburgh University Press and Oxford University Press; Member of the Northern Theory School network. 

Consultancy/assessment of manuscripts and grants; membership of professional associations (2007-current): 

• Member of professional organisations: BASEES; AATSEEL; ASEEES. 

• Assessed several abstracts/proposals for an international conference on literary studies and Slavic studies “Literaturovedheskaia rusistika” (Russian Literary Theory Studies) (Sofia, Bulgaria: 21-23 May 2015, and May 2017). 

• Reviewer/assessor of research projects, books, proposals and articles for several publishing houses, research councils/organisations, and academic journals, including AHRC, British Academy, Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen, FWO/Research Foundation Flanders, Estonian Research Council, The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, Toronto University Press, Peter Lang, Routledge, Northwestern University Press, Indiana University Press, Academic Studies Press, Anthem Press, Northern Illinois University Press, Columbia University Press, Edinburgh University Press, UCL Press, SAGE Publishers, Slavic Review, Russian Review, Slavonic and East European Review, Modern Languages Review, Modernism/Modernity, AvtobiografiЯ, Literature and Theology, Russian Literature, Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, New Zealand Slavonic Journal, Scando-Slavica, Mosaic, Transcultural Studies, The Dostoevsky Journal, National Identities, and Animal Studies Journal. 

Keynote speaker / invited speaker (since 2007; selected): 
•    ”Olga Sedakova as an Escapist and an Iternal Emigre”, at the conference  ”Escape in Russian Literature and Culture” (University of Hemsinki; 19-21 June 2023).

•    ”Ivan Bunin on Lev Tolstoy and Immortality”, at the international conference “Russian Emigration on the Waves of Freedom”, New Review and Harriman Institute, Columbia University, May 2-3, 2022. 

• “In Search of the Lost Enchantment: Marina Tsvetaeva’s Autobiographical Stories of the 1930s.”, at UFR d'Études Slaves; Faculté de Lettres - Sorbonne Université, France; 14.04.2022 (via Zoom). (

• “A Man Who Defeated Death: Ivan Bunin’s Liberation of Tolstoy (1937) as a New Gospel" – presented at the conference Russian Emigration on the Waves of Freedom, Harriman Institute; Columbia University, New York City, USA; 2-3 May 2022.

• “The Representation of Music in Tolstoy’s Childhood” – presented at the conference Intermedial Encounters Between Image, Music and Text With and Beyond Roland Barthes (Inaugural Workshop of the University of Edinburgh-Meiji University Research Partnership in Intermedial Studies), University of Edinburgh, 16.03.2022.

• “The Reception of Joseph Brodsky in Russia after 1996” – presented at the conference Imagining the 90s: The First Post-Soviet Decade and its Narratives in Literature and Culture. International Online Conference; Slavic Seminar, University of Basel, Switzerland, 20.01.2022.

• “Viktor Pelevin’s Story ‘Iakinf’ and the Emergence of the New Gothic in Russian Literature of the 2000s” – presented at the conference: Viktor Pelevin: Post-Soviet, Postmodern, Global, University of Michigan, 15/10/2 -17/10/21, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

• “Tatyana Tolstaya on Russian Intelligentsia”: at the international conference “The Intelligentsia in Russia. Spiritual and Moral Values". Holy Cross College, USA 13-14 March 2021. (online conference)

• “Russian Perspectives on Advertising: Constructing Communities and Collective Identities in Putin’s Russia”: 21 May 2021; International Multimodal Communication Centre, University of Oxford Research Seminar Series, Trinity Term 2021. (

• “Pushkin’s ‘Eugene Onegin’ in English Through the Prism of Venuti’s Theory" at the conference “Translation as an Act of Cultural Dialogue” at the University of Glasgow (7 December 2019) (organised by the University of Glasgow and the Institute of Translation Studies in Moscow, Russia). 

• “The Influence of German Culture on Russian Journal Musaget and Its Literary Association”; Department of Slavonic Studies, University of Vienna (13.12.2018); 

• “Elena Gremina’s Reinvention of Chekhov”; international conference “Playwriting without Borders: Conference on 21st -c. Theatre (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus)”(6-7 April 2017,WolfsonCollege,University of Oxford). 

• “Tsvetaeva’s Autobiographical Writing in the 1930s”; keynote lecture (delivered via Skype; available on YouTube); jubilee conference “Marina Tsvetaeva and Modernism”(Novosibirsk University, Russia 8.10.2017).

• “Tolstoy’s Responses to Beethoven’s music”; international conference “Tolstoy and Spirituality” (21- 22.04.2017; College of Holy Cross, USA).

• Discussant at the international postgraduate symposium “Writing and Screening violence in Russian culture” (St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford, 19.05.2017). 

• “The Depiction of Islamic Peoples and a Muslim Hero in "Hadji Murat" as an Embodiment of Tolstoy's Cross-Cultural Vision and Universal Art" (6-8.10. 2016 Uppsala University, Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Sweden).

• “Opekushin’s Statue of Pushkin in Moscow and Its Reception”; international conference “New approaches to 19th -c. Russian literature” (25.01.2014; Clare College, University of Cambridge). 

• “Anastasiia Tsvetaeva’s Gulag Writing”; international conference “Neglected Writers of the Gulag” (19.11.2014, The Glassock Centre for Humanities Research at Texas A and M University, USA).

• “Shostakovich and Pushkin”; “After the End of Music. An International Conference in Honour of Richard Taruskin” (9-12.02. 2012, Princeton University).

• “The Reception of Tsvetaeva in the UK”, Тhe Sixth International Tsvetaeva Conference in Elabuga, Russia” (the Elabuga University and the Tsvetaeva Museum in Elabuga, Russia; 20-23 August 2012).

• “Petrushevskaya’s Poetry in the 2000s”, international conference “Decadence or Renaissance: Russian literature since 1991” (24-26.09.2012, St Anthony’s College, Oxford University).

• Discussant at the panel on cognitive approaches to East European and Russian literary and cultural studies; international conference “Cognitive Linguistic Methods in Cultural Analysis: Interdisciplinary Perspective”, (6 June 2011, St Anthony’s College, University of Oxford).

• “Dodin’s Production of Platonov’s Chevengur”; international conference “Platonov Revisited” (26- 28.05.2011; University of Ghent, Belgium). 

• “Marina Tsvetaeva’s Representation of the Mother of God”; international conference “Framing Mary: The Mother of God in Modern Russian Culture”; (27-28. 01. 2011; Holy Cross College and the Museum of Icons, USA).

• “Jane Harrison’s Vision of Russian culture”, “Fifth Colloquium in Russian Studies” (31.08.-2.09. 2011, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge).

• "Reading Tolstoy through the Postmodern Lens: Petr Fomenko’s ‘War and Peace. The Introductory Parts of the Novel’ (2001) as a Collective Collage", Neo-Formalist Conference "Tolstoy: 100 Years On", 13-15 September 2010, Mansfield College, University of Oxford. 

• Presented 2 papers: “Ermakov's Pushkin” and “The image of Pushkin in post-Soviet films”, international conference “Alexander Pushkin and Russian National Identity: Taboo Texts, Topics, Interpretations” (9-11.01.2009, University of Notre Dame, USA).

• Discussant in the panel on Pushkin and Modernists at the international graduate conference "Pushkin/Anti-Pushkin" (17-18.04.2009, Princeton University, USA) 

• “The Image of Petersburg in post-Soviet Film and Literature”, international conference "Europe in Russia" (University of Helsinki, 28-30. 08. 2007).

Paper presentation at major international congresses and conferences in Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (2007-present; selected): 
•    ”Russian Writers as Public Intellectuals: Akunin and Ulitskaya”, BASEES, University of Glasgow (31.03.2023-2.04.2023).

•    ” The Precarity of Memory, Russian Poetic Canon, and Brodsky's Legacy”, ASEEES, 13-14 October 2022 (via Zoom). 

•    “Avdotya Smirnova's Representation of Odintsova as a Modern Subject in her version of Fathers and Sons” , BASEES conference, Robinson College, University of Cambridge, 8-10 April 2022.

•    "The Otherness of the Past: Nabokov's and Tsvetaeva's Autobiographical Stories of the 1930s", ASEEES 53rd Annual Convention, the online/virtual part at the University of Pittsburgh, 1-3. 12.2021.

•    “Smirnova's Reimagining of Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" for the post-Soviet audience”, ASEEES annual conference, held online by the University of Pittsburgh; 14.11.2020. 

• "Karen Shakhnazarov's Ward No 6 as a Critique of Russian Intelligentsia", ASEEES conference, 23-27 November 2019, San Francisco. 

• “The reception of Bunin and post-Soviet nostalgia in Putin’s Russia”, BASEES annual conference, 12-14 April 2019, University of Cambridge. 

• “Tatyana Tolstaya’s Vision of Russian Intelligentsia”: 50th Annual ASEEES Convention, December 6-9, 2018; Boston, MA, USA. 

• “The Reception of Tolstoy in Russia in the 2000s”: BASEES conference, 13-15 April 2018, University of Cambridge. 

• “The Representation of Music in Autobiographical Stories of Marina Tsvetaeva and Dina Rubina”, 49th Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Chicago, 9-12 November 2017. 

• “Tolstoy’s Reception of Beethoven”: international conference “Tolstoy and Spirituality”, College of Holy Cross, USA; 21-22 April 2017. 

• “Dodin’s 2014 production of Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard”: BASEES annual conference, 31 March -2 April 2017, University of Cambridge. 

• “Lev Dodin’s Post-Soviet Productions of Chekhov”: 48th Annual Convention: ASEEES, 17.11-20.11, Washington DC, USA. 

• “Tolstoy’s Representation of Muslims in Khadzhi Murat”: international conference “The Image of Islam in Russia”, Uppsala University, Sweden, 6-8 October 2016. 

• “Evreinov’s play Merry Death in the Context of Russian Modernist Trends”, The IX 

ICCEES World Congress (3-9.08.2015; Makuhari University, Japan). 

• “Re-reading Pushkin and Briusov through a Postmodern Prism: Fomenko's play 

'Egyptian Nights', " VIII World Congress (26-31 July 2010, Stockholm, Sweden). 

• "Between Football and Poetry: The Representation of World War 1 in Aleksei 

German Jr's film "Garpastum" (2005)", ICCEES Regional European Congress, 2-4 

August 2007, Berlin, Germany. 

Research grants: 

• 2015-16: Moray Endowment Fund Award (£2,000) (for using a research assistant for the monograph on the Post- Soviet National Identity and Russian Poetry after 1991 (principle investigator). 

• 2016: A joint award with Dr Isabelle Darmon (Department of Sociology, University of Edinburgh) from the Principal’s Teaching Award for the project “Theory on Stage” (£1,495) in April 2016 (co- investigator); 

• 2015: LLC impact grant related to the production of 2 Russian plays at Oran Mor. (£5,000). A joint project with the National Theatre of Scotland (October 2014 - May 2015) (co- investigator) [translated 2 Russian plays and assisted with many KE and publicity activities in the UK]. 

• October 2015: £937 grant from the Centre for Research, Central and East European Studies, University of Glasgow/AHRC and British Academy for an international workshop “Tolstoy in different Contexts” (PI, 4.12.2015). 

• 2012: an award of the grant by the Centre for Research, Central and East European Studies, University of Glasgow/AHRC and British Academy for an international conference "Word and Image in Russian Contexts" (£3, 990) – organised jointly with Talbot Rice Gallery University of Edinburgh (Principal investigator; 1.02.2013); 

• “Autobiographies and Memoirs in Russian 19th- and 20th-c. Culture” (led by Prof. Claudia Criveller and sponsored by the University of Padua, Italy. (March 2011- March 2013; co-investigator/presenter of conference papers, £2,000). 

• AHRC grant jointly with Professor Katharine Hodgson (University of Exeter) for a project: "Reconfiguring the Canon of Twentieth- Century Russian Poetry, 1991- 2008" (£450,757; September 2010-April 2014) [] 

• British Academy Overseas Conference grant (for participation in the AAASS conference; November 2008; £ 400; PI). 

• A research grant for travel to Paris to undertake archival work (University of Canterbury, Head of College’s Research grant, 2005): £ 3, 000, PI). 

• A research grant from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand (2004) towards using a research assistant for a book on Pushkin and 20th --c. Russian urban poetry (£10, 000; PI). 

Supervision of PhD students: 

• Tiffany Butler (2021-current; PhD in Ethics and Practical Theology; co-supervisor: 50%) "Russian Orthodox and Anglican Ecumenism Through Canonical Migration Theory".

• Zhang Sitong (2022- current; PhD in European Theatre; co-supervisor: 50%) "The Representation of Body in Holocaust Plays".

• Giuseppe Strippole (PhD, Japanese Studies; 2019-present); a project on Japanese and Russian Science Fiction; co-supervisor: 30%); 

• Anne Liebig (Russian Studies) "The Representation of History in Boris Akunin's Works" (principal supervisor; PhD award: July 2020). 

• Stella Medvedeva (European Theatre): "The Applicability of Vygotsky's Theory to the Analysis of the Reception of "Hamlet" in Russia" (principal supervisor; PhD award: April 2022). 

• Erik Jürgen Simone Vlaeminck (Russian Studies): "The Representation of Masculinity in Russian Contemporary Literature) (principal supervisor; PhD award: May 2020). 

• Sofia Polychronidou (European Theatre): "Socialist Realism and Its Manifestations in Soviet theatre in the 1920s-1940s" (principal supervisor; PhD award: June 2020). 

• John Luke King-Salter (Comparative Literature): " Dostoevsky’s Storm and Stress: 

Notes from Underground and the Psychological Foundations of Utopia” ( principal 

supervisor; PhD award: June 2020). 

• Ida Hummel Gabrielsen. Comparative Literature. "Ethics in Self-Narration: Testing 

Theorization with Autobiographical, Genre- Hybrid Literature" (principal supervisor; 

PhD award: August 2019). 

• Kyle Hurley. Comparative Literature. “Dostoevsky, Soloviev, and the idea of kenosis: 

the Augustinian subtexts in Ivan Karamazov’s journey in The Brothers Karamazov” 

(principal supervisor; MPhil award: July 2019). 

• Eve Katsouraki. English Literature, University of Edinburgh. "The Director as 

Philosopher in Modernist Performance" (PhD award: June 2018; co-supervisor). 

• Georgina Barker. Russian Studies. “Russia’s Classical Alter Ego, 1963-2016: Classical Reception in the poetry of Elena Shvarts, Il’ia Kutik, and Polina Barskova” (funded by Wolfson Scholarship). (PhD award: July 2017, principal supervisor). 

• Lina Mohamad. Islamic Studies, University of Edinburgh. "The Burden of Valour: The Hero and the Terrorist -Villan in Post-9/11 Popular Fiction) (PhD award: November 2015, co- supervisor). 

• Klara Naszkowska. Comparative Literature, University of Edinburgh. "The Living 

Mirror: The Representation of Doubling Identities in the British and Polish Women’s 

Literature (1846 – 1938)" (PhD award: November 2013; principal supervisor.) 

• Nataliya Oryshchuk. Russian, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. “Official 

Representations of the Works by Alexander Grin in the USSR: Constructing and 

Consuming Ideological Myths” (PhD award: 2006; sole supervisor). 

• Gregory Simons. Russian, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. “Ideology, image- 

making and the media in Putin’s Russia” (PhD award: 2004; sole supervisor). 


Knowledge exchange and impact (in addition to conference presentations and academic talks; selected)

•    Participant of the live programme and podcast on Pushkin’s The Bronze Horseman, BBC Radio 4, 19.02.2023; available at:
• Contribution to the Talking History Radio Programme on Pushkin (Dublin): 14.03.2021. 

• Interviewed by the journalist of “Daily Express” for this story: “Putin ‘sees himself as irreplaceable’, experts warn, as Russia set to approve bold law by Laura O'Callaghan, Express, 3.04.2020. ( law-vote-Russia-news-Russians- approve-new-law-Moscow-kremlin-politics) 

• Organiser and paper presenter at the conference “Russia and Europe”; this brought together PhD students; staff and translators; 30 May 2019; University of Edinburgh); 

• Programme presenter/participant: radio programme on St Petersburg “ Talking History”, Newstalk (Dublin, Ireland; 25.11.2018); 

• Interviewed about Russian-Ukrainian conflict; BBC radio Scotland, news programme (26.11.2018); 

• Interviewed about recent developments in Russia; BBC Radio 4 “Today” (17.03.2018); 

• Interviewed about recent developments in Russia; BBC radio programme “Good morning, Scotland”, 15.03.2018; 

• Lecture “Russia Today: beyond the headlines” at the meeting of the Morningside Peace and Justice group, Edinburgh (25.01.2017); 

• Talk about Tarkovsky's film Stalker (Edinburgh Film House; 28 05. 2016); 

• Talk about Tarkovsky's film Andrey Rublev (Film House, Edinburgh; 9.05.2016); 

• Lecture “Tsvetaeva’s image of Pushkin” at the Moffat international Annual Book 

Event / Russian Conference “Poets and Power”; this brought together translators, critics, librarians and scholars from the UK, USA, Russia, Sweden and Britain (21-23 10.2016); 

• Talk about the popularity of Joanna Baillie’s and Beethoven’s Irish and Scottish Party Songs in Russia in the 1930s-40s (IASH Workshop on Russian Scottish Cultural Encounters; University of Edinburgh (17.10.2015); 

• Paper “Vladimir Mayakovsky’s 1921 play Mystery-Bouffe as a modern mystery’’ (The Bacchae Project conference “Theatre, Citizenship, Law; 18.06.2015); 

• Interview on BBC Radio Scotland, The Culture Show with Janice Forsyth about 2 new Russian plays commissioned for the Oran Mor’s series A Play, A Pie and A Pint series (translated by me); (18.03.2015); 

• Pre-concert talk on Mussorgsky, Scriabin and Shostakovich before the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra’s performance of Russian music, Usher Hall, Edinburgh (28.09.2014); 

• Lecture on Virgina Woolf’s Reception of Russian Classics; Edinburgh Literature Society (University of Edinburgh; 22.10.2014); 

• Lecture “Russia Today”; at the meeting of the Morningside Peace and Justice group, Edinburgh (4.12.2014); 

• Commissioned review-article: "Silver Age Studies: The State of the Field", in Thomas Seifrid and Nancy Condee, eds. The AATSEEL Newsletter, volume 56, issue 2, April 2013, pp.2- 4. 

• 2008- present: Member of the Committee of the Scotland-Russia Forum. 



• Joseph Brodsky and Modern Russian Culture (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2024); (co-edited with Joe Andrew, Robert Read and Katharine Hodgson; 100 000 words). (co-editor; co-author of the Introduction and author 1 chapter).

•    Film Adaptations of Russian Classics: Dialogue and Authorship: (co- editor with Dr O. Sobolev), Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 2023 (251 pp.). (co-editor; co-author of the Introduction and author of 1 chapter). 
Endorsement statements: “This fine volume applies an adaptation studies lens to Russian literature with compelling results. Its authoritative case studies and theoretically sophisticated introduction provide new insights into film versions of key works from Russia’s 19th century canon, using a dialogic frame to tackle issues of huge intercultural, aesthetic, and socio-political significance.” (Professor Stephen Hutchings, University of Manchester); “This volume is indispensable for scholars of adaptation and Russian literature. What is universal and what is nationally specific about humor, death or nostalgia? The contributors answer this question, analyzing adaptations as a multi-level dialogue between different media, across various cultures and historical eras.” (Professor Lioudmila Fedorova (Georgetown University).

• “Poetic Canons, Cultural Memory and Russian National Identity after 1991” (co- authored with Katharine Hodgson), Oxford: Peter Lang [series: Russian Transformations: Literature, Thought, Culture], 2020). [520 pp.] [my contribution: co-authored Introduction and Conclusion; 4 chapters out of 7 chapters; [recipient of Alexander Nove BASEES 2020 prize for the best book published in 2020; awarded in 2022].

• “Twentieth- Century Russian Poetry: Reinventing the Canon” (co-edited with 

Katharine Hodgson and Joanne Shelton) (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2017) 

[504 pp.] 

• “Montaging Pushkin: Pushkin and Visions of Modernity in Russian 20th-century 

Poetry” (Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi Press, 2006). [361 pp.] 

• “Pesn’ peresmeshnika: Pushkin v tvorchestve Mariny Tsvetaevoi”, Moscow: Tsvetaeva Museum and Ellis Lak, 1998. [256 pp.] 

• “The Song of the Mockingbird: Pushkin in the Work of Marina Tsvetaeva”. Peter 

Lang: Bern / Berlin/ New York / Paris / Wien, 1994. [211pp] 

Editor of Special Issues of Journals 

• Co-edited (with David Wells, Curtin University). A special issue on Russian 20th- century poetry: “Reconfiguring the Canon: The Changing Contexts of Twentieth- Century Russian Poetry,” Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, volume 31, 1-2, 2017, pp.1-264. 

• Co-edited (with Catherine Ciepiela, Amherst College), “Marina Cvetaeva” (a special issue), Russian Literature, Volume 73, Issue 4, pp. 493-644 (15 May 2013). 

 Articles in Refereed Journals 

• “The Transgressive Capacity of the Comic: A Merry Death as an Embodiment of Nikolai Evreinov’s Vision of Theatricality”, Modern Languages Review, July 2018, pp.583-609. 

• (with David Wells) “Reconfiguring the Canon: The Changing Contexts of Twentieth- Century Russian Poetry”, Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, volume 31, 1-2, 2017, pp.vii-xii. 

• “Constructing the Modernist Vision of Time: Tsvetaeva’s Rendering of Bely’s Dynamic Worldview in ‘A Captive Spirit’, Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, volume 31, 2017, pp.1-42. 

• “Lev Tolstoy in the Age of Kinoglasnost’: Mikhail Shveitser’s The Kreutzer Sonata as a Critique of Russian Erotic Utopia and Soviet ideology,” Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, volume 29, nos. 1-2, 2015, pp.31-61. 

• “Anastasiia Tsvetaeva (1894-1993) as a Gulag writer”, Gulag Studies, vols 7-8, 2014- 2015, pp.28- 49. 

• “Marina Tsvetaeva's Memoir on Maksimilian Voloshin in the Context of Artistic and Intellectual Trends of the 1910s-30s, Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Band 71, 2013, pp.189-210. 

• “Searching for a New Self: Truth-telling and Double Vision in Joseph Brodsky's Essay 'In a Room and a Half' (1985)", AvtobiografiIa, volume 2, part 1, 2013, pp.152- 169; l truth- %C2%ADtelling-and-double-vision-joseph-brodsky’s-essay-room-and-ha 

• “Consuming Utopian Thought in an Anti-Utopian Age: The Reception of Andrej Platonovʼs Čevengur in Todayʼs Russia", Russian Literature, Amsterdam, volume 73, issue 1/2, 2013, pp.209- 227. 

• (with Catherine Ciepiela). "Marina Cvetaeva and Her Readers", Russian Literature, volume 73, issue 4, 2013, pp.539-563. 

• "The Transcendent Power of the Image: Marina Cvetaeva's Vision of Russian Icons and the Mother of God in the 1910s- 20s", Russian Literature, volume 73, issue 4, 2013, pp.539-563. 

• "Мемуарная проза Марины Цветаевой как анти-памятник: очерк 'Живое о живом '(1932 г.) в контексте мифотворческих тенденций российского и европейского модернизма 1910х-30х годов" (Tsvetaeva’s autobiographical fiction of the 1930s), AvtobiografiЯ, volume 1, 2012, pp.167– 210. [] 

• “Reconfiguring the Utopian Vision: Tretʹiakov’s Play I Want a Baby!(1926) as a Response to the Revolutionary Restructuring of Everyday Life”, Australian Slavonic & East European Studies, Vol. 25, Nos. 1–2 (2011), pp.107–120. [ 2/reconfiguring- utopian-visionh] 

• "Nikolai Evreinov and Edith Craig as Mediums of Modernist Sensibility", New Theatre Quarterly, (Cambridge University Press), No. 26, 2010, pp. 203-216. 

• “The Effacement of History, Theatricality and Postmodern Urban Fantasies in the Prose of Petrushevskaya and Pelevin”, Die Welt der Slaven, LIV, 2009, pp. 53-78. 

• "The Reach of Modern Life: Tynianov's Pushkin, Melancholy and the Critique of Modernity’, Wiener Slawisticher Almanach, Bd. 61, 2008, pp. 85-108. [http://periodika.digitale-,00087.htmlh] 

• “A Case of Fluid Identity: Boris Pasternak as Flâneur and an Invitation au Voyage”, Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, band 58, 2006, pp. 117- 139. [http://periodika.digitale-,00117.html] 

• “Fictionality, Theatricality and Staging of Self: A New Look at Pushkin’s ‘Egyptian Nights’, Slavonic and East European Review , University of London, volume 84, number 3, July 2006, pp. 393-418. 

• “Bypassing Death, Life Creating and Last Poems of Four Russian Modernists: Nikolai Gumilev, Nikolai Otsup, Marina Tsvetaeva, Anna Akhmatova”, Australian Slavonic & East European Studies, vol.18, 1-2, 2004, pp.87-102. 

• “Toward the Poetics of Exile: Marina Tsvetaeva’s Translation of Baudelaire’s ‘Le Voyage’”, Ars Interpres, No.2, Stockholm-Moscow-New York, May 2004, pp.179-199. 

• “Andrei Tarkovsky as Reader of Arsenii Tarkovsky’s Poetry”, Russian

Studies in Literature: Special Issue: Russian Literature on the Silver Screen, [edited by John Givens], vol.40. No.3, USA, Summer 2004, pp.46-63. 

• “Vladimir Nabokov As Translator of Russian Poetry”, Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Band 51, 2003, pp.133-166. [http://periodika.digitale-,00135.html] 

• “The Picaro Myth in the Leningrad Alternative Writing of the Sixties: Andrei Bitov, Joseph Brodsky and Alexander Kushner”, Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, vol.17, Numbers 1-2, 2003, pp.79- 100. 

• “Writing As Performance: The Case of Marina Tsvetaeva”, New Zealand Slavonic Journal, vol.37, 2003, pp.143-153. 

• “New Interpretations of Nabokov”, Slavonica, Manchester, Vol.9, No.2, November 2003, pp.127-130. 

• “The Return of the Flâneur in Platonov’s Story ‘Doubting Makar’”, in: Livingstone, Angela, editor. “Andrei Platonov: Special Issue, Volume 2”, Essays in Poetics, volume 27, Keele, Autumn 2002, pp.124-138. 

• “The Memoirs of Emma Gershtein and Nikolai Khardzhiev and Russian Modernist Canon”, Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, volume 15, Numbers 1-2, Melbourne, 2001, pp.75- 92. 

• “The Enigma of Mikhail Prishvin: Prishvin’s Pre-Soviet and Soviet Diaries”, New Zealand Slavonic Journal, 2001, pp.79-92. 

• “Surpassing Acmeism? – The Lost Key to Cvetaeva’s ‘Poem of the Air’”, Russian Literature, [special issue: The Silver Age], XLV-II, 15 February 1999, Amsterdam, pp.209-222. 

• “The Poetics of Expressiveness and Some Aspects of Non-Verbal Communication in Pushkin’s Work”, Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, vol.13, Number 2, 1999, pp.95-114 (This essay was co-winner of ASEES’s Pushkin Prize contest). 

• “The Representation of Memory in Petrushevskaia’s Prose”, Essays in Poetics, Keele, 1999, pp.182- 201. 

• “In Populist Clothes: Anarchy and Subversion in Petrushevskaya’s Latest Fiction”, New Zealand Slavonic Journal, 1997, Wellington, pp.107-127. 

• “Dance as Theme and Structure in Russian Modernism”, Essays in Poetics, Autumn 1996, vol 2, Keele, pp.19-34. 

• “The Tsvetaeva Theme in Akhmatova’s Late Poetry”, Australian Slavonic and East European Studies, vol.10, No.2, 1996, Melbourne, pp.139-156. 

• [Smith, Alexandra and Crone, Lisa.] “Cheating Death: Tsvetaeva and Derzhavin on the Immortality of the Poet”, Slavic Almanac: Volume 3, University of South Africa Press, 1995, pp.1-30. 

• “Tsvetaeva Resurrected”, The Slavonic and East European Review, October 1993, pp.693- 700. 

• “Recent Books on Tsvetaeva”, The Slavonic and East European Review, July 1990, pp.512- 515. 

• “Literary Portrait in the Poetry of Pasternak and Tsvetaeva”, Essays in Poetics, Keele, Sep. 1990, pp. 94-101. 

• “The Cnidus Myth and Tsvetaeva’s Interpretation of Pushkin’s Love for Natal’ia Goncharova”, Essays in Poetics, Keele, September 1989, pp.83-102. 

Book chapters 

•    ”Ivan Bunin’s Liberation of Tolstoy (1937) as a New Gospel”, New Review/Novyi zhurnal, New York, 2023, 6 p.

•    “Reinventing Natalya Gorbanevskaya for 21st-century readers: Liudmila Ulitskaya's Poetic and the Russian Intelligentsia Myth”, in O. Boele and D. Schellens, eds. Imagining Collective Selves in Turn-of-the-Millennium Russia Literary Consumption, Memory and Identity (1980–2020) (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2024), 11 pages.

•    ”Between Reflective Nostalgia and Counter-Memory: The Reception of Brodsky by Russian Authors after 1996”, in  Joe Andrew, Robert Reid, Katharine Hodgson and Alexandra Smith, eds. Joseph Brodsky and Modern Culture (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2024), 14 pages.

• “Adapting Turgenev’s Novel as a Pastoral: Avdotya Smirnova’s Fathers and Sons”, in Olga Sobolev and Alexandra Smith. Dialogue and Authorship: Film Adaptations of Russian Classics (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023); pp.52-78.

• (with O.Sobolev) “Introduction. On the Text-Film Relationship: The question of Apt and Inapt Adaptations”, in Olga Sobolev and Alexandra Smith. Dialogue and Authorship: Film Adaptations of Russian Classics (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023); pp.1-30.

•    ”Reconfiguring the Empire through Performance: Petr Fomenko’s 2001 Production of Tolstoy’s War and Peace”, in Robert Reid and Joe Andrew, eds. Tolstoii. Art and Influence (Leiden and Boston, 2023), pp.179-207.

• “Narrating Eccentricity: The ZhZl Biographies of Anna Akhmatova and Marina Tsvetaeva”, in Ludmilla A. Trigos and Carol Ueland, eds. Literary Biographies in The Lives of Remarkable People Series in Russia: Biography for the Masses (Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Lexington Books, 2022), pp.231-254.

• “Adaptation as interpretation: Petr Fomenko's Egyptian Nights”, in Otto Boele and Boris Noordenbos, eds. Служив отлично благородно/ Having Served Excellently, Nobly. Festschrift for Sander Brouwer ((Series: Pegasus Oost-Europese Studies no. 33). Amsterdam: Pegasus, 2019, pp. 173-194. 

• “The Kreutzer Sonata, sexual morality and music”, in Cicovacki, Predrag and Grek, Nada, eds. Tolstoy and Spirituality, Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2018, pp.109- 127. 

• 10 entries (Living newspaper, Structuralism, Formalism, Agit Prop, October Circle, Estrangement, The Neo-Pagans, Proletkult, Objectivism, Suprematism) in Kolocotroni, V. & Taxidou, O. (eds.). The Edinburgh Dictionary of Modernism, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017. 

• “Marina Tsvetaeva’s images of the Mother of God in the context of Russian cultural developments in the 1910s-20s”, in Shevtsov, V. & Adams, A. (eds.). Framing Mary: The Mother of God in Modern and Post-Soviet Russia, DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2017, pp. 144-162. 

• (with Katharine Hodgson) “Introduction: Twentieth-Century Russian Poetry and the Post- Soviet Reader: Reinventing the Canon”, in Katharine Hodgson, Joanne Shelton and Alexandra Smith, eds. Twentieth-Century Russian Poetry: Reinventing the Canon, Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2017, pp.1-42. 

• “The Post-Soviet Homecoming of First-Wave Russian Émigré Poets and Its Impact on the Reinvention of the Past”, in Katharine Hodgson, Joanne Shelton and Alexandra Smith, eds. Twentieth-Century Russian Poetry: Reinventing the Canon, Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2017, pp.347-384. 

• “Marina Cvetaeva in the Artistic Imagination of Russian Poets of the 1960s-1990s”, in Forrester, Sibelan E.S., A Companion to Marina Cvetaeva: Approaches to a Major Russian Poet, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2017, pp.239-269. 

• “The Muse of Lament or the Muse of Compassion? The Reception of Anna Akhmatova in Great Britain” in Victoroff, Tatiana, ed. Anna Akhmatova et la poesie europeenne, Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang Publishing Group, [Vol. Series: Nouvelle poetique comparatiste / New Comparative Poetics - Volume 36], 2016, pp. 265-293. 

• “Pushkin as a Cultural Myth: Dostoevskii’s Pushkin Speech and Its Legacy in Russian Modernism,” in Andrew, Joe and Reid, Robert, eds. Dostoevskii’s Overcoat: Influence, Comparison, and Transposition, Amsterdam, New York, NY: Rodopi, 2013, pp.123- 147. 

• "Through the Lens of Soviet Psychoanalysis of the 1920s: Ivan Ermakov's Readings of Pushkin's Poetry", in Dinega, Alyssa, ed. The Other Pushkiniana: Taboo Texts, Topics, Interpretations, The University of Wisconsin Press, 2012, pp.350-377. 

• "Jane Harrison as an Interpreter of Russian Culture in the 1910s-1920s", in Cross, Anthony. ed. A People Passing Rude: British Responses to Russian Culture, Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2012, pp.170-190. (See: 

• "The Image of Marina Tsvetaeva in the Emigre Memoirs, Criticism and Scholarship," in Adamovitch, Marina; Smotodinska, Tatiana; Ermolaev, Natalia, eds. Russian Emigration at the Crossroads of the XX-XXI Centuries: Proceeding of the International Conference Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the New Review/Novyj Zhurnal, New York: The New Review Publishing, 2012, pp.186-201. 

• "Russian Women Poets on the Death of the Poet, the Modernist Canon and the Postmodern Condition," in Marsh, Rosalind, ed. New Women's Writing in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe: Gender, Generations and Identities, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 2012, pp.300-319. 

• "Russian Children's Literature," in Clark and Cornwell, eds. Literary Encyclopaedia; (published in March 2011.) 

• "Peterburgskii tekst v novykh kontekstakh: Serebrianyi vek kak mesto pamiati," (“The Petersburg Myth in New Contexts: The Silver Age as a Mnemonic Space"), in Pesonen, Pekki et al, eds. Evropa v Rossii: Sbornik statei, Moscow: Helsinki University/Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2010, pp.417- 433. 

• “Aleksandr Fadeev”, in Adams, Bruce, ed. The Supplement to the Modern Encyclopaedia of Russian, Soviet and Eurasian History, Vol. 10, Gulf Breeze, FL, Academic Publishers, 2008. 

• "Rol' snovidenii v samoprezentatsii i sozdanii kommunikativnykh situatsii v poezii Tsvetaevoi i Parnok v svete idei Shpielrein" ("The Role of Dreams in the Self- Representation of Tsvetaeva and Parnok Through the Prism of Spielrein's Theory"), in Russkaia Antropologicheskaia Shkola: Trudy: Sledy Snovideniia v Snovidcheskoe v filosofii, psikhologii, iskusstve, volume 5, Moscow: RGGU, 2008, pp.78-89. 

• "Nostalgic Visions and Mnemonic Figures: Tsvetaeva's Allusions to Ivan Turgenev's Goethian Outlook’", in: Andrew, Joe; Offord, Derek, and Reid, Robert, eds, Turgenev and Russian Culture. Essays to Honour Richard Peace, Studies in Slavic Literatures and Poetics, XLIX (Amsterdam- New York, NY: Rodopi, 2008), pp.333-346. 

• “In the Shadow of Nabokov: The Postmodernist Parody in Tolstaya’s Novel The Slynx” (in Russian), in Abasheva, Marina, ed. Sovremennaia russkaia literatura: problemy izucheniia I prepodavaniia: Materialy tret’ei mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi i prakticheskoi konferentsii; 27.02.- 2.03.2007 (Contemporary Russian literature: Analysis and Practice: Materials of the Third International Conference), Perm’ State Pedagogical University, Perm’, 2007, pp.51-59. 

• “Misticheskii ateizm i poisk novoi etiki: tsvetaevskoe ponimanie iskusstva pri svete sovesti” (“Mystical atheism and a search for new ethics: Tsvetaeva’s vision of the art in light of conscience”), Beliakova, I.Iu., ed. Dobro i zlo v mire Tsvetaevoi (The Good and the Evil in Tsvetaeva’s Artistic World: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference: Moscow, 9-12 October 2006), Dom-muzei Mariny Tsvetaevoi, Moscow, 2007, pp.119-129. 

• “L’Image de Saint-Pétersbourg dans la littérature de ces dernières années” (“The Image of St Petersburg in Russian Literature in the Last Decade”), in: Hélène Mélat, ed. Le Premier Quinquennat De La Prose Russe Du XXI e Siécle, Institut D’Études Slaves, Paris, 2006, pp.143-155. 

• “Georgii Adamovich kak kritik Tsvetaevoi i poslednii akmeistskii kritik v kontekste literaturnogo byta russkoi emigratsii 1920kh” (“G. Adamovich as an Acmeist Émigré Critic of the 1920s”), in: Beliakova, I. Iu., ed. V rasseianii suschie... kul'torologicheskie chteniia «Russkaia emigratsiia XX veka (15-16 February 2005, Moscow), Dom-muzei Tsvetaevoi, Moscow, 2006, pp.147-168. 

• “Marina Tsvetaeva v sovremennoi klassicheskoi muzyke” (“Marina Tsvetaeva in contemporary classical music”), in.Beliakova, I. Iu., ed. Liki Mariny Tsvetaevoi (Marina Tsvetaeva’s Various Selves: Proceedings of the International Conference: Moscow, 9-12 October 2005), Moscow: Dom- muzei Mariny Tsvetaevoi, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006, pp.470-78. 

• “Publishing Houses: Soviet and Post-Soviet”; “Musicals: Russian and Soviet”; “Operetta”; “Song: Soviet popular”; “Puppet theatre”; “Research institutions”; and “Traditions and Customs”, in Smorodinskaia, Tatiana, Evans-Romaine, Karen, and Goscilo, Helena, eds. Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Russian Culture, London, New York: Routledge, 2006. 

• “Iurii Tynianov: Life and Works”, in Clark and Cornwell, eds. Literary Encyclopaedia, (2006) 

• Liudmila Petrushevskaya” , in Clark and cornwell, eds. Literary Encyclopaedia; (2006); 

• “Maxim Gorky”, in Clark and Cornwell, eds. Literary Encyclopaedia; (2006). 

• “Marina Tsvetaeva: Life and Works”, in Clark and Cornwell, eds. Literary Encyclopaedia, (2005); 

• “Marina Tsvetaeva On Creative Evolution and Intuitive Cognition (In the light of Henri Bergson’s Ideas)”, (In Russian) in Beliakova, I.Iu.,ed. Stikhiia i razum v zhizni i tvorchestve Mariny Tsvetaevoi, Moscow: Dom-muzei Mariny Tsvetaevoi, 2005, pp.25-36. 

• 9 entries in: Rubins, Maria, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Twentieth- Century Russian Émigré Writers, A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book, Thomson-Gale, Detroit, New York, San Francisco, London, Munich, 2005: Georgii Adamovich (pp.3- 10); Nikolai Evreinov (93-101); Roman Gul' (134-140); Mat' Mariia (Kuzmina- Karavaeva) (215- 221); Irina Odoevtseva (269- 277); Nikolai Otsup (278-282); I.S. Shmelev (293-300); Anatolii Shteiger (301-306); Boris Zaitsev (340- 47). 

• “Poslednee stikhotvorenie Mariny Tsvetaevoi kak poeticheskoe zaveshchanie,” in Beliakova, I.Iu., ed. Emigrantskii Period v zhizni i tvorchestve Mariny Tsvetaevoi, Dom- muzei Mariny Tsvetaevoi, Moscow, 2004, pp.324-331. 

• 6 entries in Christine Rydel, ed. Russian Writers Since World War 2, vol.302, Gale ResearchInc. and Bruccoli Clark Layman, Chicago, 2004: “Iurii Vasil’evich Bondarev”, pp.64-71. “Daniil Granin”, pp.108-114. “Iurii Nagibin”, pp.177-186. “Vladimir Soloukhin”, pp.317- 323. “The Strugatsky Brothers (Strugatskie)”, pp.356-365. “Vladimir Tendriakov”, pp.366- 372. 

• 4 entries in: Rydel, Christine, ed. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Volume 272: Russian Prose Writers Between the World Wars, Gale Research Inc. and Bruccoli Clark Layman Books, Thompson- Gale, Detroit, New York, San Diego, London, Munich, 2003: “Valentin Petrovich Kataev”, pp.174- 186. “Aleksandr Serafimovich”, pp.352-360. “Il’f and Petrov”, pp.147-160. “Aleksei Nikolaevich Tolstoy”, pp.432-445. 

• 2 entries in: Balina, Marina and Lipovetsky, Mark, eds. Dictionary of Literary Biography, volume 285: Contemporary Russian Writers, Gale Research Inc. and Bruccoli Clark Layman Books, Thompson-Gale, Detroit, New York, San Diego, London, Munich, 2003: “Viktor Krivulin, pp.156- 165. “Aleksey Parshchikov”, pp.202-208. 

• “Pushkin’s Imperial Image of St. Petersburg Revisited”, in: Joe Andrew and Robert Reid, eds. Two Hundred Years of Pushkin; volume 2: Alexander Pushkin: Myth and Monument, Rodopi, Amsterdam/New York, 2003, pp.117-138. 

• “Tekst kak teatralizovannoe predstavlenie v tvorchestve M.Tsvetaevoi,” in Beliakova, I. Iu., ed. Marina Tsvetaeva: Epokha, Kul’tura, Sud’ba, Moscow: Dom-muzei Mariny Tsvetaevoi, 2003, pp.237-247. 

• “Entre art et politique (Le récit de Marina Tsvétaeva ‘Le Chinois’ à la lumière des idées du mouvement eurasien dans les années 20 et 30 à Paris)”, in: Véronique Lossky and Jacqueline de Proyart, eds. Marina Tsvétaeva Et La France: Nouveautés et Inédits, Institut D’Études Slaves, Paris and “Russkii Put’”, Moscow, 2002, pp.178-193. 

• 10 entries in: Jolly, Margaretta, ed. Encyclopaedia of Life Writing: Autobiographical and Biographical Forms, 2 volumes, Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, London, Chicago, 2001: “Marie Bashkirtseff”, volume 1, pp.94-95. “Conversations, Dialogues, and Table Talks”, volume 1, pp.231- 232. “Czech and Slovak Life Writing”, volume 1, pp.256-258. “Natal’ia Dolgorukaia”, volume 1, pp.281-282. “Bernard de Fontenelle”, volume 1, pp.327-328. “Vaclav Havel”, volume 1, pp.415-416. “Aleksandr Herzen”, volume 1, pp.425-426. “Nadezhda Mandel’shtam”, volume 2, pp.584-585. “Vladimir Nabokov”, volume 2, pp.629- 630. “Marina Tsvetaeva”, volume 2, pp.891-893. 

• “Nabokov’s Short Stories”, Dictionary of Literary Biography: Volume 244: American Short Stories Writers, in Meanor, P. and McNicholas, J., eds. A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book: The Gale Group, Detroit, San Francisco, London, Boston, Woodbridge, Conn., 2001, pp.254-271. 

• “Liudmila Petrushevskaia's The Real Fairy Tales as Ethical Self- Situating", in: Gelhard, Dorothy, ed., Ethics and Literature, Galda and Wilch, Berlin, Cambridge/Massachusetts, 2001, pp.229-251. 

• “The Shaping of the Literary Canon in A. Tyrkova-Williams’s book The Life of Pushkin”, in: Kiseleva, L., ed. Pushkinskie chteniia v Tartu: 2, University of Tartu (Estonia), Tartu, 2000, pp.267- 281 

• “The Image of Briusov in the Memoirs of Z.Gippius and M.Tsvetaeva”, in Wanda Laszczak and Daria Ambroziak, eds. By Pen and Charm: Women in the Pantheon of Russian Literature /Piorem i wdziekiem: Kobiety w panteonie literatury rosyiskiej, Opolski University, Opole (Poland), 1999, pp.114-137. 

• “Carnivalising the Canon: the Grotesque and the Subversive in Contemporary Russian Women’s Prose” (Petrushevskaya, Sadur, Tolstaya, Narbikova), in Ian Lilly and Henrietta Mondry, eds. Russian Literature in Transition, Astra Press, Nottingham, 1999, pp.35-58. 

• 22 entries in Neil Cornwell, ed.: Reference Guide to Russian Literature, Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, London/Chicago, 1998: “Balmont’s ‘Let’s Be Like the Sun’”, pp.138- 39. “Bednyi, Demian”, pp.150- 51. “Briusov’s ‘The Fiery Angel’”, pp.190-91. “Chukhontsev, Oleg”, pp.227-28. “Fedin, Konstantin”, pp.300-1. “Gorkii’s ‘The Life of Klim Samgin’”, pp.353-54. “Khodasevich’s ‘The Heavy Lyre’”, pp.444- 46. “Merezhkovsky, Dmitrii”, pp.549-50. “Pushkin’s ‘The Little Tragedies’”, pp.678-80. “Severianin, Igor”, pp.718-19. “Tsvetaeva’s ‘After Russia’”, pp.839-40. “Tsvetaeva’s ‘Craft’”, pp.835-6. “Tsvetaeva’s ‘The Tsar-Maiden’”, pp. 834-5. “Tsvetaeva’s ‘Poem of the Mountain’ and ‘Poem of the End’”, pp.838-839. “Tsvetaeva’s ‘Molodets’”, pp.836-7. “Tsvetaeva’s ‘Ratcatcher’”, pp.837-38. “Tvardovskii’s ‘Vassilii Terkin’ and ‘Terkin in the Other World’”, pp.853-54. “Tvardovskii, Aleksandr”, pp.852-53. “Tynianov, Iurii”, pp.855-56. “Voloshin, Maksimilian”, pp.885-86. “Zamiatin’s ‘The Islanders’”, pp.911- 12. 

• “Conformist by Circumstance v. Formalist at Heart: Some Observations on Tynianov’s Novel Pushkin”, in Joe Andrew and Robert Reid, eds. Neo-Formalist Papers: Contributions to the Silver Jubilee Conference to Mark 25 Years of the Neo-Formalist Circle, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1998, pp.296-315. 

• “The Role of Mirroring and Doubling in Tsvetaeva’s Work”, in V. Lossky and E.Etkind, eds. Marina Tsvetaeva: Un Chant de Vie, YMCA- Press, Paris, 1996, pp.319-332. 

• “The Role of Pushkin’s Subtexts in Tsvetaeva’s Poetry”, in Arpad Kovach and Nagy Istvan, eds. Studia Russica Budapestinensia: 2-3, 1995: Materialy 3 i 4 Pushkinologicheskogo Kollokviuma v Budapeshte: 1991/1993, Budapest University Press (Institutum Philologia Slavicae Orientalis et Balticae in Universitate Budapestinensi de Rolando Eotvos Nominata), Budapest; 1995, pp.237- 45. 

Reviews and Review-Articles: 75 book reviews and review-articles in various academic peer- reviewed journals, including important journals in my field such as Slavonic and East European Review (UK), Slavic and East European Journal (USA), Slavic Review (USA), Europe- Asia Studies (UK), and Australian Slavonic and East European Studies (Australia). 

Translations/Interviews/Short essays/Other Publications: 

• Translated 2 plays by Mikhail Durnenkov and Yuri Klavdiev comissioned by the National Theatre of Scotland (performed by Oran Mor theatre in Glasgow in May 2015); 

• Interview with one of the leading contemporary poets Dmitry Bobyshev after the conference on Russian émigré literature in New York City (27–28 April 2012): published in journal "Sviaz' vremen" (California, USA):; and in: ; 

• Interview with Russian contemporary poets M. Galina and A. Shtypel: Attitudes to the 20th- century poetic canon: Maria Galina and Arkady Shtypel’ (5.11.2012): 

• "Russian Drama" (an article), Drama online, 2012, ; 

• Translations of 8 poems written by important 20th-c. Russian poets (Pasternak, Mandelshtam, Brodsky, Tsvetaeva, Vvedensky, Blok, Satunovsky, Mnatsakanova): A Journey in Five Postcards: Russian Poetry from the 20th-Century, edited by Katharine Hodgson, Rossica, volume 20, London: Rossica, 2011; 

• "The Living Word" (an essay) in A Journey in Five Postcards: Russian Poetry from the 20th- Century, edited by Katharine Hodgson, Rossica, volume 20, London: Rossica, 2011, pp.77-79; 

• “Elegicheskie motivy v rannei lirike D. Bobysheva” (article), Sviaz’ vremen, California, 2017; 



My research in a nutshell

My main research interests revolve around the notion of literary canon, memory studies and reception studies, including autobiographical works and life writing. I am also interested in the relaitionship between word and image and adaptations of literary works for stage and screen. My pubications pertain to Russian 19th, 20th, 21 st -century literature and culture produced in Russia and abroad. I am also interested in Russian emigre life in the 1920s-1990s  as well as Russian literary and cultural contacts with British and European practitioners.

I have produced 4 books (the most recent: “Canonicity, 20th-c. Poetry and Russian National Identity After 1991” with Katharine Hodgson, 630 pp., Oxford, Peter Lang, forthcoming 2019). I was editor of two special issues on Russian poetry for prestigious journals. My CV lists over 200 articles, book chapters and book reviews published in refereed journals and collections in the US, UK, Europe, Australasia and Russia. Across Europe, UK, Canada, USA, Australasia and Japan I have delivered over 200 conference papers and invited talks. Columbia University, Princeton University, Northwestern University, Holy Cross College, Ghent University, Helsinki University, University of Marburg, Oxford University, Cambridge University, Uppsala University, St Andrews and Durham University invited me to give talks. 

As major AHRC grant recipient (£429k 2010-13 with Prof. Katharine Hodgson, Exeter), I was Co-I and Deputy Lead of a high impact international project, collaborating with the project participants from the UK, Russia and the US. My project management responsibilities have included financial management and organisation of multiple conferences, workshops and other KE events, publication of a co-edited volume and production of a collection of new translations of Russian poetry for our partner “Academia Rossica”.

Academic collaboration highlights include organising four international conferences (at University of Canterbury and University of Edinburgh). Two Edinburgh conferences were externally funded (by the Centre for Research, Central and East European Studies, University of Glasgow/AHRC and British Academy). I partnered with the Talbot Rice Gallery for the 2013 conference “Word and Image in Russian Contexts” that held a parallel exhibition of Charchoune’s works. To produce a performance of Charchoune's Dada poem for 25-voice choir, I collaborated with the Sirens of Titan Choir, Glasgow, directed by Peter Shand. Conference participants included prominent literary specialists and art historians from the US, UK and Switzerland.

I have engaged with leading scholars and practitioners from the US, Russia and Europe on projects on Russian culture and literature (from Princeton University, Holy Cross College, Texas A&M University, Ghent University, National Theatre of Scotland, Theatre Doc., the Tsvetaeva Museum, Novosibirsk University). Leading the research strand “Cultural Encounters / Dialogues” (DELC, with Dr Eleoma Bodammer, 2016-present), I have organised research seminars and contributed to other events (an exhibition on Holocaust survivors in Scotland and an international conference on European women's writing). 

Education/Academic qualification

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Pushkin in the Works of Marina Tsvetaeva., University of London

Award Date: 1 Jan 1993

External positions

External Examiner, University of Glasgow

1 Oct 201530 Sept 2020


  • PG Slavic, Baltic, Albanian languages and literature
  • Russian Studies
  • Comparative Literature


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