Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

I am open to discussing PhD opportunities with potential candidates in relation to any of my noted research interests. At present I have particularly strong interests in the local governance of crime, governance and accountability mechanisms in policing, democratic governance of the police, the effects of police reform, policing in times of austerity, and partnership working and how to make it more effective in practice.


School of Law, University of Edinburgh

External organisation: UK University / HEI

University of Glasgow

External organisation: UK University / HEI

University of Dundee

External organisation: UK University / HEI

Cardiff University

External organisation: Academic

Northumbria University

External organisation: UK University / HEI

Scottish Government

External organisation: Funding body

Dublin Institute of Technology

External organisation: EU University / HEI

University of Ulster

External organisation: UK University / HEI

University of Stirling

External organisation: UK University / HEI

University of Plymouth

External organisation: UK University / HEI

Monash University, Victoria, Australia

External organisation: Overseas University / HEI

Monash University, Clayton

External organisation: Overseas University / HEI