9 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Beatriz Orosa Puente with the persons below:
Zhishuo Wang
- School of Biological Sciences - Postdoctoral Research Associate
Person: Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)
Heather Grey
- School of Biological Sciences - Lab Manager
Person: Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)
Steven Spoel
- School of Biological Sciences - Personal Chair of Cell Signalling and Proteostasis
Person: Academic: Research Active
James Furniss
- Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies - Genomics Platform Manager (Core Funded)
Person: Academic: Research Active
Kathryn Ball
- Deanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences - Personal Chair of Biochemistry and Cell Signalling
- Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre
Person: Academic: Research Active
Noor Gammoh
- Deanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences - Reader
- Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre
Person: Academic: Research Active
Van Kelly
- School of Chemistry - Mass Spectrometry Facility Manager
Person: Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)
Ted Hupp
- Deanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences - Chair of Cancer Research
- Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre
Person: Academic: Research Active