6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Benedict Taylor with the persons below:
Peter Nelson
- Edinburgh College of Art - Visitor: Official Visitor
Person: Affiliated Independent Researcher
Gaurav Rajkhowa
- School of Divinity - Post Doctoral Research Associate
Person: Academic: Research Active
Giovanni Formilan
- Business School - Lecturer in Creative Industries
- Strategy
- Leadership, Organisations and Society
Person: Academic: Research Active
Dave Loder
- Edinburgh College of Art - Lecturer in Interior, Architectural and Spatial Design
- Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
Person: Academic: Research Active
Sophia Lycouris
- Edinburgh College of Art - Director of the Graduate Research School
- Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry
- Art
Person: Academic: Research Active