Projects per year
Search results
Evaluating and improving the stability of the blue protein-pigment complex phycocyanin
1/03/19 → 31/07/19
Project: Research
National Biofilms Innovation Centre
MacPhee, C., Allen, R., Brown, A., Morozov, A., Poon, W., Waclaw, B. & Wood, T.
1/12/17 → 30/11/22
Project: Research
National Biofilms Innovation Centre
MacPhee, C., Allen, R., Brown, A., Morozov, A., Poon, W., Waclaw, B. & Wood, T.
1/12/17 → 30/11/22
Project: Research
EPSRC Inst GCRF Travel Funding: Visit to Tiputini Biodiversity Station in the Ecuadorian Amazon
1/10/17 → 31/03/18
Project: Research
Effect of crowding and confinement on early stage nucleation kinetics of asynuclein amyloidogenesis
15/08/16 → 14/08/18
Project: Research
Design Principles for New Soft Materials
Cates, M., Allen, R., Clegg, P., Evans, M., MacPhee, C., Marenduzzo, D. & Poon, W.
7/12/11 → 6/06/17
Project: Research
biophysical dissection of protein nucleation
MacPhee, C., Barran, P. & Crain, J.
15/11/10 → 14/11/13
Project: Research
Edinbugrh Soft Matter and Statistical Physics Programme Grant Renewal
Cates, M., Poon, W., Ackland, G., Clegg, P., Evans, M., MacPhee, C. & Marenduzzo, D.
1/10/07 → 31/03/12
Project: Research
Determination of the High Resolution Structure of the Polypeptide Chain in Amyloid Fibrils
1/09/07 → 31/05/10
Project: Research