Claudia Lederer-Woods


Search results

  • 2024

    Shedding light on the origin of 204Pb, the heaviest s-process only isotope in the solar system

    The n_TOF Collaboration, Lederer-Woods, C., Lonsdale, S. J. & Woods, P. J., 2 Aug 2024, In: Physical Review Letters. 133, 5, p. 1-8 8 p., 052702.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • A Segmented Total Energy Detector (sTED) optimized for (n,) cross-section measurements at n_TOF EAR2

    n_TOF Collaboration, Lederer-Woods, C., Sosnin, N. V. & Woods, P. J., 1 Apr 2024, In: Radiation physics and chemistry. 217, p. 1-11 11 p., 111525.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Measurement of the 140Ce(n,γ) Cross Section at n_TOF and Its Astrophysical Implications for the Chemical Evolution of the Universe

    n_TOF Collaboration, Dietz, M., Garg, R., Lederer-Woods, C., Lonsdale, S. J. & Woods, P. J., 21 Mar 2024, In: Physical Review Letters. 132, 12, p. 1-8 8 p., 122701.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Measurement of the prompt fission γ-rays from slow neutron-induced fission of 235U with STEFFMeasurement of the prompt fission γ-rays from slow neutron-induced fission of 235U with STEFF

    n-TOF Collaboration, Wright, T., Smith, AG., Sosnin, NV., Bennett, S. A., Davies, PJ., Popescu, AV., Ryan, JA., Sekhar, A., Warren, S., Aberle, O., Amaducci, S., Andrzejewski, J., Audouin, L., Bacak, M., Balibrea, J., Barbagallo, M., Becvár, F., Berthoumieux, E., Billowes, J., & 105 othersBosnar, D., Brown, A., Caamaño, M., Calviño, F., Calviani, M., Cano-Ott, D., Cardella, R., Casanovas, A., Cerutti, F., Chen, YH., Chiaveri, E., Colonna, N., Cortés, G., Cortés-Giraldo, MA., Cosentino, L., Damone, LA., Diakaki, M., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dressler, R., Dupont, E., Durán, I., Fernández-Domínguez, B., Ferrari, A., Ferreira, P., Finocchiaro, P., Furman, V., Göbel, K., García, AR., Gawlik-Ramiega, A., Gilardoni, S., Glodariu, T., Gonçalves, IF., González-Romero, E., Griesmayer, E., Guerrero, C., Gunsing, F., Harada, H., Heinitz, S., Heyse, J., Jenkins, DG., Jericha, E., Kaeppeler, F., Kadi, Y., Kalamara, A., Kavrigin, P., Kimura, A., Kivel, N., Kokkoris, M., Krticka, M., Kurtulgil, D., Leal-Cidoncha, E., Lederer-Woods, C., Leeb, H., Lerendegui-Marco, J., Meo, SL., Lonsdale, SJ., Macina, D., Manna, A., Marganiec, J., Martínez, T., Masi, A., Massimi, C., Mastinu, P., Mastromarco, M., Maugeri, EA., Mazzone, A., Mendoza, E., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, PM., Mingrone, F., Musumarra, A., Negret, A., Nolte, R., Oprea, A., Patronis, N., Pavlik, A., Perkowski, J., Porras, I., Praena, J., Quesada, JM., Radeck, D., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Rubbia, C., Sabaté-Gilarte, M., Saxena, A., Schillebeeckx, P., Schumann, D., Sedyshev, P., Stamatopoulos, A., Tagliente, G., Tain, JL., Tarifeno-Saldivia, A., Tassan-Got, L., Valenta, S., Vannini, G., Variale, V., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Wallner, A., Weiss, C., Woods, PJ. & Zugec, P., 19 Mar 2024, In: European Physical Journal A. 60, 3, p. 1-11 11 p., 70.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • 2023

    Storage, accumulation and deceleration of secondary beams for nuclear astrophysics

    Glorius, J., Litvinov, Y. A., Aliotta, M., Amjad, F., Bruckner, B., Bruno, C. G., Chen, R., Davinson, T., Dellmann, S. F., Dickel, T., Dillmann, I., Erbacher, P., Forstner, O., Geissel, H., Griffin, C. J., Grisenti, R., Gumberidze, A., Haettner, E., Hess, R., Hillenbrand, P-M., & 44 othersHornung, C., Joseph, R., Jurado, B., Kazanseva, E., Knobel, R., Kostyleva, D., Kozhuharov, C., Kuzminchuk, N., Langer, C., Leckenby, G., Lederer-Woods, C., Lestinsky, M., Litvinov, S., Loher, B., Lorenz, B., Lorenz, E., Marsh, J., Menz, E., Morgenroth, T., Mukha, I., Petridis, N., Popp, U., Psaltis, A., Purushothaman, S., Reifarth, R., Rocco, E., Roy, P., Sanjari, M. S., Sheidenberger, C., Sguazzin, M., Sidhu, R. S., Spillmann, U., Steck, M., Stohlker, T., Swartz, J. A., Tanaka, Y. K., Tornqvist, H., Varga, L., Vescovi, D., Weick, H., Weigand, M., Woods, P. J., Yamaguchi, T. & Zhao, J., 1 Aug 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 541, p. 190-193 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Measurement of the neutron-induced fission cross section of <SUP>230</SUP>Th at the CERN n_TOF facility

    n_TOF Collaboration, Michalopoulou, V., Stamatopoulos, A., Diakaki, M., Tsinganis, A., Vlastou, R., Kokkoris, M., Patronis, N., Eleme, Z., Macina, D., Tassan-Got, L., Colonna, N., Chiaveri, E., Ventura, A., Schillebeeckx, P., Heyse, J., Sibbens, G., Alaerts, G., Borella, A., Moens, A., & 118 othersVanleeuw, D., Aberle, O., Alcayne, V., Amaducci, S., Andrzejewski, J., Audouin, L., Babiano-Suarez, V., Bacak, M., Barbagallo, M., Bennett, S., Berthoumieux, E., Billowes, J., Bosnar, D., Brown, A., Busso, M., Caamaño, M., Caballero, L., Calviño, F., Calviani, M., Cano-Ott, D., Casanovas, A., Cerutti, F., Cortés, G., Cortés-Giraldo, MA., Cosentino, L., Cristallo, S., Damone, LA., Dietz, PJDM., Dietz, M., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dressler, R., Ducasse, Q., Dupont, E., Durán, I., Fernández-Domínguez, B., Ferrari, A., Finocchiaro, P., Furman, V., Göbel, K., Garg, R., Gawlik-Ramiega, A., Gilardoni, S., Gonçalves, IF., González-Romero, E., Guerrero, C., Gunsing, F., Heinitz, HHS., Heinitz, S., Jenkins, DG., Junghans, A., Käppeler, F., Kadi, Y., Kimura, A., Knapová, I., Kopatch, Y., Krticka, M., Kurtulgil, D., Ladarescu, I., Lederer-Woods, C., Leeb, H., Lerendegui-Marco, J., Lonsdale, SJ., Manna, A., Martínez, T., Masi, A., Mastinu, CMP., Mastinu, P., Mastromarco, M., Maugeri, EA., Mazzone, A., Mendoza, E., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, PM., Mingrone, F., Moreno-Soto, J., Musumarra, A., Negret, A., Nolte, R., Ogállar, F., Oprea, A., Perkowski, APJ., Perkowski, J., Petrone, C., Piersanti, L., Pirovano, E., Porras, I., Praena, J., Quesada, JM., Ramos-Doval, D., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Rochman, D., Romanets, Y., Rubbia, C., Sabaté-Gilarte, M., Saxena, A., Schumann, D., Sekhar, A., Smith, AG., Sosnin, NV., Sprung, P., Tagliente, G., Tain, JL., Tarifeño-Saldivia, A., Thomas, T., Torres-Sánchez, P., Ulrich, J., Urlass, S., Valenta, S., Saxena, A., Variale, V., Vaz, P., Vescovi, D., Vlachoudis, V., Wallner, A., Woods, PJ., Wright, T. & Zugec, P., 26 Jul 2023, In: Physical Review C. 108, 1, p. 1-15 15 p., 014616.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Measurement of the 14N(n,p)14C cross section at the CERN n_TOF facility from subthermal energy to 800 keV

    n_TOF Collaboration, Torres-Sanchez, P., Lederer-Woods, C., Dietz, M., Lonsdale, S-J. & Woods, P. J., 29 Jun 2023, In: Physical Review C. 107, 6, p. 1-15 15 p., 064617.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Measurement of the 77Se(n, γ) cross section up to 200 keV at the n_TOF Facility at CERN

    n_TOF Collaboration, Sosnin, N. V., Lederer-Woods, C., Garg, R., Dietz, M., Murphy, A. S. J., Lonsdale, S. J. & Woods, P. J., 12 Jun 2023, In: Physical Review C. 107, 6, p. 1-9 9 p., 065805.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Neutron-induced fission cross sections of 232Th and 233U up to 1 GeV using parallel plate avalanche counters at the CERN n_TOF facility

    n_TOF Collaboration, Tarrío, D., Tassan-Got, L., Duran, I., Leong, LS., Paradela, C., Audouin, L., Leal-Cidoncha, E., Le Naour, C., Caamaño, M., Ventura, A., Altstadt, S., Andrzejewski, J., Barbagallo, M., Bécares, V., Becvár, F., Belloni, F., Berthoumieux, E., Billowes, J., Boccone, V., & 85 othersBosnar, D., Brugger, M., Calviani, M., Calviño, F., Cano-Ott, D., Carrapiço, C., Cerutti, F., Chiaveri, E., Chin, M., Colonna, N., Cortés, G., Cortés-Giraldo, MA., Diakaki, M., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dzysiuk, N., Eleftheriadis, C., Ferrari, A., Fraval, K., Ganesan, S., García, AR., Giubrone, G., Gómez-Hornillos, MB., Gonçalves, IF., González-Romero, E., Griesmayer, E., Guerrero, C., Gunsing, F., Gurusamy, P., Jenkins, DG., Jericha, E., Kadi, Y., Käppeler, F., Karadimos, D., Koehler, P., Kokkoris, M., Krticka, M., Kroll, J., Langer, C., Lederer, C., Leeb, H., Losito, R., Manousos, A., Marganiec, J., Martínez, T., Massimi, C., Mastinu, PF., Mastromarco, M., Meaze, M., Mendoza, E., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, PM., Mingrone, F., Mirea, M., Mondalaers, W., Pavlik, A., Perkowski, J., Plompen, A., Praena, J., Quesada, JM., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Riego, A., Robles, MS., Roman, F., Rubbia, C., Sarmento, R., Schillebeeckx, P., Schmidt, S., Tagliente, G., Tain, JL., Tsinganis, A., Valenta, S., Vannini, G., Variale, V., Vaz, P., Versaci, R., Vermeulen, MJ., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Wallner, A., Ware, T., Weigand, M., Weiss, C., Wright, TJ. & Zugec, P., 28 Apr 2023, In: Physical Review C. 107, 4, p. 1-21 21 p., 044616.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • 179Ta(n,γ) cross-section measurement and the astrophysical origin of the 180Ta isotope

    Garg, R., Dellmann, S., Lederer-Woods, C., Bruno, C. G., Eberhardt, K., Geppert, C., Heftrich, T., Kajan, I., Kappeler, F., Phoenix, B., Reifarth, R., Schumann, D., Weigand, M. & Wheldon, C., 13 Apr 2023, In: Physical Review C. 107, 4, p. 1-7 7 p., 045805.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Impact of newly measured 26Al(n, p)26Mg and 26Al(n, α)23Na reaction rates on the nucleosynthesis of 26Al in stars

    Battino, U., Lederer-Woods, C., Pignatari, M., Soos, B., Lugaro, M., Vescovi, D., Cristallo, S., Woods, P. J. & Karakas, A., 1 Apr 2023, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society . 520, 2, p. 2436-2444 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Proton capture on stored radioactive 118Te ions

    Dellmann, S. F., Glorius, J., Litvinov, Y. A., Reifarth, R., Al-Khasawneh, K., Aliotta, M., Bott, L., Bruckner, B., Bruno, C., Chen, R. J., Davinson, T., Dickel, T., Dillmann, I., Dmytriev, D., Erbacher, P., Freire-Fernandez, D., Forstner, O., Geissel, H., Gobel, K., Griffin, C. J., & 43 othersGrisenti, R., Gumberidze, A., Haettner, E., Hagmann, S., Heil, M., Hes, R., Hillenbrand, P-M., Joseph, R., Jurado, B., Kozhuharov, C., Kulikov, I., Loher, B., Langer, C., Leckenby, G., Lederer-Woods, C., Lestinsky, M., Litvinov, S., Lorenz, B. A., Lorenz, E., Marsh, J., Menz, E., Morgenroth, T., Petridis, N., Pibernat, J., Popp, U., Psaltis, A., Sanjari, S., Scheidenberger, C., Sguazzin, M., Sidhu, R. S., Spillmann, U., Steck, M., Stohlker, T., Surzhykov, A., Swartz, J. A., Tornqvist, H., Varga, L., Vescovi, D., Weick, H., Weigand, M., Woods, P., Xing, Y. & Yamaguchi, T., 22 Mar 2023, In: EPJ Web of Conferences. 279, p. 1-5 5 p., 11018.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Progress on nuclear reaction rates affecting the stellar production of 26Al

    Laird, A. M., Lugaro, M., Kankainen, A., Adsley, P., Bardayan, D. W., Brinkman, H. E., Cote, B., Deibel, C. M., Diehl, R., Hammache, F., den Hartogh, J. W., Jose, J., Kurtulgil, D., Lederer-Woods, C., Lotay, G., Meynet, G., Palmerini, S., Pignatari, M., Reifarth, R., de Sereville, N., & 7 othersSieverding, A., Stancliffe, R. J., Trueman, T. C. L., Lawson, T., Vink, J. S., Massimi, C. & Mengoni, A., 28 Feb 2023, In: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 50, 3, p. 1-59 59 p., 033002.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Advances and new ideas for neutron-capture astrophysics experiments at CERN n_TOF

    The n_TOF Collaboration, Domingo-Pardo, C., Lederer-Woods, C., Sosnin, N. V. & Woods, P. J., 26 Jan 2023, In: European Physical Journal A. 59, 1, p. 1-11 11 p., 8.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • 2022

    74 Ge(n,γ) cross section below 70 keV measured at n_TOF CERN

    n-TOF Collaboration, 9 Dec 2022, In: The European Physical Journal A (EPJ A). 58, p. 1-9 9 p., 239.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Constraints on the dipole photon strength for the odd uranium isotopes

    n_TOF Collaboration, 24 Feb 2022, In: Physical Review C. 105, 2, p. 1-14 14 p., 024618.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • n_TOF: Measurements of Key Reactions of Interest to AGB Stars

    Massimi, C., Cristallo, S., Domingo-Pardo, C. & Lederer-Woods, C., 4 Feb 2022, In: Universe. 8, 2, p. 1-19 19 p., 100.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • 2021

    Solving the puzzles of the decay of the heaviest known proton-emitting nucleus 185Bi

    Doherty, D. T., Andreyev, A. N., Seweryniak, D., Woods, P. J., Carpenter, M. P., Auranen, K., Ayangeakaa, A. D., Back, B. B., Bottoni, S., Canete, L., Cubiss, J. G., Harker, J., Haylett, T., Huang, T., Janssens, R. V. F., Jenkins, D. G., Kondev, F. G., Lauritsen, T., Lederer-Woods, C., Li, J., & 6 othersMuller-Gatermann, C., Potterveld, D., Reviol, W., Savard, G., Stolze, S. & Zhu, S., 12 Nov 2021, In: Physical Review Letters. 127, 20, p. 1-6 6 p., 202501.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Measurement of the 76Ge(n,γ) cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN

    n-TOF Collaboration, Gawlik-Ramiega, A., Lederer-Woods, C., Dietz, M., Lonsdale, S. J. & Woods, P. J., 12 Oct 2021, In: Physical Review C. 104, 4, p. 1-7 7 p., 044610.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Destruction of the cosmic γ-ray emitter 26Al in massive stars: Study of the key 26Al (n,α) reaction

    n_TOF Collaboration, Lederer-Woods, C., Woods, P. J., Davinson, T., Estrade, A., Kahl, D. & Lonsdale, S. J., 22 Sept 2021, In: Physical Review C. 104, 3, p. 1-6 6 p., L032803.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetterpeer-review

    Open Access
  • Destruction of the cosmic ϒ-ray emitter 26Al in massive stars: Study of the key 26Al(n,p) reaction

    n_TOF Collaboration, Lederer-Woods, C., Woods, P. J., Davinson, T., Kahl, D. & Lonsdale, S. J., 30 Aug 2021, In: Physical Review C. 104, 2, p. 1-7 7 p., L022803.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetterpeer-review

    Open Access
  • Imaging neutron capture cross sections: i-TED proof-of-concept and future prospects based on Machine-Learning techniques

    Babiano-Suárez, V., Lerendegui-Marco, J., Balibrea-Correa, J., Caballero, L., Calvo, D., Ladarescu, I., Domingo-Pardo, C., Calviño, F., Casanovas, A., Tarifeño-Saldivia, A., Alcayne, V., Guerrero, C., Millán-Callado, M. A., González, M. T. R., Barbagallo, M., Aberle, O., Amaducci, S., Andrzejewski, J., Audouin, L., Bacak, M., & 115 othersBennett, S., Berthoumieux, E., Billowes, J., Bosnar, D., Brown, A., Busso, M., Caamaño, M., Calviani, M., Cano-Ott, D., Cerutti, F., Chiaveri, E., Colonna, N., Cortés, G., Cortés-Giraldo, M. A., Cosentino, L., Cristallo, S., Damone, L. A., Davies, P. J., Diakaki, M., Dietz, M., Dressler, R., Ducasse, Q., Dupont, E., Durán, I., Eleme, Z., Fern\', B., ez-Domínguez, Ferrari, A., Finocchiaro, P., Furman, V., Göbel, K., Garg, R., Gawlik, A., Gilardoni, S., Gonçalves, I. F., González-Romero, E., Gunsing, F., Harada, H., Heinitz, S., Heyse, J., Jenkins, D. G., Junghans, A., Käppeler, F., Kadi, Y., Kimura, A., Knapova, I., Kokkoris, M., Kopatch, Y., Krtička, M., Kurtulgil, D., Lederer-Woods, C., Leeb, H., Lonsdale, S. J., Macina, D., Manna, A., Martinez, T., Masi, A., Massimi, C., Mastinu, P., Mastromarco, M., Maugeri, E. A., Mazzone, A., Mendoza, E., Mengoni, A., Michalopoulou, V., Milazzo, P. M., Mingrone, F., Moreno-Soto, J., Musumarra, A., Negret, A., Ogállar, F., Oprea, A., Patronis, N., Pavlik, A., Perkowski, J., Persanti, L., Petrone, C., Pirovano, E., Porras, I., Praena, J., Quesada, J. M., Ramos-Doval, D., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Rochman, D., Rubbia, C., Sabaté-Gilarte, M., Saxena, A., Schillebeeckx, P., Schumann, D., Sekhar, A., Smith, A. G., Sosnin, N. V., Sprung, P., Stamatopoulos, A., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tassan-Got, L., Thomas, T., Torres-Sánchez, P., Tsinganis, A., Ulrich, J., Urlass, S., Valenta, S., Vannini, G., Variale, V., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Vescovi, D., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Wallner, A., Woods, P. J., Wright, T. & Žugec, P., 17 Jun 2021, In: The European Physical Journal A (EPJ A). 57, 6, p. 1-17 17 p., 197.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Measurement of the 72Ge(n,γ) cross section over a wide neutron energy range at the CERN n_TOF facility

    n_TOF Collaboration, Dietz, M., Lederer-Woods, C., Tattersall, A., Battino, U., Kahl, D., Lonsdale, S. J. & Woods, P. J., 27 Apr 2021, In: Physical Review C. 103, 4, p. 1-8 8 p., 045809.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Neutron activation of Ga-69 and Ga-71 at k(B)T approximate to 25 keV

    Goebel, K., Beinrucker, C., Bruckner, B., Erbacher, P., Fiebiger, S., Fonseca, M., Heftrich, M., Heftrich, T., Kaeppeler, F., Krasa, A., Kurtulgil, D., Lederer-Woods, C., Plag, R., Plompen, A., Reifarth, R., Schmidt, S., Sonnabend, K. & Weigand, M., 12 Feb 2021, In: Physical Review C. 103, 2, p. 1-7 7 p., 025802.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Decay of the key 92-keV resonance in the 25Mg(p,γ) reaction to the ground and isomeric states of the cosmic γ-ray emitter 26Al

    Kankainen, A., Woods, P. J., Doherty, D. T., Albers, H. M., Ayangeakaa, A. D., Carpenter, M. P., Chiara, C. J., Harker, J. L., Janssens, R. V. F., Lederer-Woods, C., Seweryniak, D., Strieder, F. & Zhu, S., 10 Feb 2021, In: Physics Letters B. 813, p. 1-4 4 p., 136033.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Mixing Uncertainties in Low-Metallicity AGB Stars: The Impact on Stellar Structure and Nucleosynthesis

    The NuGrid Collaboration, Battino, U., Lederer-Woods, C., Cseh, B., Denissenkov, P. & Herwig, F., 26 Jan 2021, In: Universe. 7, 25, p. 1-16 16 p., 7020025.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • 2020

    Determination of luminosity for in-ring reactions: A new approach for the low-energy domain

    Xing, Y. M., Glorius, J., Varga, L., Bott, L., Bruckner, C. B. B., Chen, R. J., Chen, X., Dababneh, S., Davinson, T., Erbacher, P., Fiebiger, S., Gassner, T., Gobel, K., Groothuis, M., Gumberidze, A., Gyurky, G., Heil, M., Hess, R., Hensch, R., Hillmann, P., & 42 othersHillenbrand, P. -M., Hinrichs, O., Jurado, B., Kausch, T., Khodaparast, A., Kisselbach, T., Klapper, N., Kozhuharov, C., Kurtulgil, D., Lane, G., Langer, C., Lederer-Woods, C., Lestinsky, M., Litvinov, S., Litvinov, Y. A., Loher, B., Petridis, N., Popp, U., Reed, M., Reifarth, R., Sanjari, M. S., Simon, H., Slavkovska, Z., Spillmann, U., Steck, M., Stohlker, T., Stumm, J., Szucs, T., Nguyen, T. T., Zadeh, A. T., Thomas, B., Torilov, S. Y., Tornqvist, H., Trageser, C., Trotsenko, S., Volknandt, M., Wang, M., Weigand, M., Wolf, C., Woods, P. J., Zhang, Y. H. & Zhou, X. H., 1 Dec 2020, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 982, 164367.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Electron capture of Xe54+ in collisions with H2 molecules in the energy range between 5.5 and 30.9 MeV/u

    Kröger, F. M., Weber, G., Herdrich, M. O., Glorius, J., Langer, C., Slavkovská, Z., Bott, L., Brandau, C., Brückner, B., Blaum, K., Chen, X., Dababneh, S., Davinson, T., Erbacher, P., Fiebiger, S., Gaßner, T., Göbel, K., Groothuis, M., Gumberidze, A., Gyürky, G., & 46 othersHagmann, S., Hahn, C., Heil, M., Hess, R., Hensch, R., Hillmann, P., Hillenbrand, P. -M., Hinrichs, O., Jurado, B., Kausch, T., Khodaparast, A., Kisselbach, T., Klapper, N., Kozhuharov, C., Kurtulgil, D., Lane, G., Lederer-Woods, C., Lestinsky, M., Litvinov, S., Litvinov, Y. A., Löher, B., Nolden, F., Petridis, N., Popp, U., Reed, M., Reifarth, R., Sanjari, M. S., Simon, H., Spillmann, U., Steck, M., Stumm, J., Szücs, T., Nguyen, T. T., Zadeh, A. T., Thomas, B., Torilov, S. Y., Törnqvist, H., Trageser, C., Trotsenko, S., Volknandt, M., Weigand, M., Wolf, C., Woods, P. J., Shevelko, V. P., Tolstikhina, I. Y. & Stöhlker, T., 30 Oct 2020, In: Physical Review A. 102, 4, p. 1-9 9 p., 042825.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Neutron capture on the s-process branching point 171Tm via time-of-flight and activation

    n-TOF Collaboration, Dietz, M., Lederer-Woods, C. & Woods, P. J., 2 Oct 2020, In: Physical Review Letters. 125, 14, 142701.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Heavy Elements Nucleosynthesis On Accreting White Dwarfs: building seeds for the p-process

    Battino, U., Pignatari, M., Travaglio, C., Lederer-Woods, C., Denissenkov, P., Herwig, F., Thielemann, F-K. & Rauscher, T., 1 Oct 2020, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society . 497, 4, p. 4981-4998 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Investigation of the 240Pu(n,f) reaction at the n_TOF/EAR2 facility in the 9 meV–6 MeV range

    n-TOF Collaboration & Lederer-Woods, C., 21 Jul 2020, In: Physical Review C. 102, 1, 014616.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Measurement of the 154Gd(n,γ) cross section and its astrophysical implications

    n-TOF Collaboration, Dietz, M., Garg, R., Lederer-Woods, C. & Woods, P. J., 10 May 2020, In: Physics Letters B. 135405.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • 2019

    Measurement of the 70Ge(n,ϒ) cross section up to 300 keV at n TOF, CERN

    n-TOF Collaboration, Lederer, C., Battino, U., Tattersall, A., Dietz, M. & Woods, P., 17 Oct 2019, In: Physical Review C. 100, 4

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • New test of modulated electron capture decay of hydrogen-like 142Pm ions: Precision measurement of purely exponential decay

    FRS-ESR, ILIMA, SPARC, TBWD Collaborations, Ozturk, F. C., Akkus, B., Atanasov, D., Beyer, H., Bosch, F., Boutin, D., Brandau, C., Bühler, P., Cakirli, R. B., Chen, R. J., Chen, W. D., Chen, X. C., Dillmann, I., Dimopoulou, C., Enders, W., Essel, H. G., & 75 othersFaestermann, T., Forstner, O., Gao, B. S., Geissel, H., Gernhäuser, R., Grisenti, R. E., Gumberidze, A., Hagmann, S., Heftrich, T., Heil, M., Herdrich, M. O., Hillenbrand, P-M., Izumikawa, T., Kienle, P., Klaushofer, C., Kleffner, C., Kozhuharov, C., Knobel, R. K., Kovalenko, O., Kreim, S., Kuhl, T., Lederer, C., Lestinsky, M., Litvinov, S. A., Litvinov, Y. A., Liu, Z., Ma, X. W., Maier, L., Mei, B., Miura, H., Mukha, I., Najafi, A., Nagae, D., Nishimura, T., Nociforo, C., Nolden, F., Ohtsubo, T., Oktem, Y., Omika, S., Ozawa, A., Petridis, N., Piotrowski, J. A., Reifarth, R., Rossbach, J., Sanchez, R., Sanjari, M. S., Scheidenberger, C., Sidhu, R. S., Simon, H., Spillmann, U., Steck, M., Stöhlker, T., Sun, B. H., Susam, L. A., Suzaki, F., Suzuki, T., Torilov, S. Y., Trageser, C., Trassinelli, M., Trotsenko, S., Tu, X. L., Walker, P. M., Wang, M., Weber, G., Weick, H., Winckler, N., Winters, D. F. A., Woods, P., Yamaguchi, T., Xu, X. D., Yan, X. L., Yang, J. C., Yuan, Y. J., Zhang, Y. H. & Zhou, X. H., 10 Oct 2019, In: Physics Letters B. 797, p. 1-9 9 p., 134800.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Single-particle shell strengths near the doubly magic nucleus 56Ni and the 56Ni(p,γ)57Cu reaction rate in explosive astrophysical burning

    Kahl, D., Woods, P. J., Poxon-Pearson, T., Nunes, F. M., Brown, B. A., Schatz, H., Baumann, T., Bazin, D., Belarge, J. A., Bender, P. C., Elman, B., Estrade, A., Gade, A., Kankainen, A., Lederer-Woods, C., Lipschutz, S., Longfellow, B., Lonsdale, S. -J., Lunderberg, E., Montes, F., & 7 othersOng, W. J., Perdikakis, G., Pereira, J., Sullivan, C., Taverner, R., Weisshaar, D. & Zegers, R., 10 Oct 2019, In: Physics Letters B. 797, 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Open Access
  • Approaching the Gamow Window with Stored Ions: Direct Measurement of 124Xe(p,γ) in the ESR Storage Ring

    Glorius, J., Langer, C., Slavkovská, Z., Bott, L., Brandau, C., Brückner, B., Blaum, K., Chen, X., Dababneh, S., Davinson, T., Erbacher, P., Fiebiger, S., Gaßner, T., Göbel, K., Groothuis, M., Gumberidze, A., Gyürky, G., Heil, M., Hess, R., Hensch, R., & 46 othersHillmann, P., Hillenbrand, P. -M., Hinrichs, O., Jurado, B., Kausch, T., Khodaparast, A., Kisselbach, T., Klapper, N., Kozhuharov, C., Kurtulgil, D., Lane, G., Lederer-Woods, C., Lestinsky, M., Litvinov, S., Litvinov, Y. A., Löher, B., Nolden, F., Petridis, N., Popp, U., Rauscher, T., Reed, M., Reifarth, R., Sanjari, M. S., Savran, D., Simon, H., Spillmann, U., Steck, M., Stöhlker, T., Stumm, J., Surzhykov, A., Szücs, T., Nguyen, T. T., Zadeh, A. T., Thomas, B., Torilov, S. Y., Törnqvist, H., Träger, M., Trageser, C., Trotsenko, S., Varga, L., Volknandt, M., Weick, H., Weigand, M., Wolf, C., Woods, P. J. & Xing, Y. M., 8 Mar 2019, In: Physical Review Letters. 122, 9, 6 p., 092701.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Measurement of 73Ge(n,g) cross sections and implications for stellar nucleosynthesis

    Lederer-Woods, C. & Collaboration, T. NTOF., 30 Jan 2019, In: Physics Letters B. 790, p. 458-465

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Cross section measurements of $^{155,157}$Gd(n,$γ$) induced by thermal and epithermal neutrons

    Mastromarco, M., Manna, A., Aberle, O., Amaducci, S., Andrzejewski, J., Audouin, L., Bacak, M., Balibrea, J., Barbagallo, M., Becvar, F., Berthoumieux, E., Billowes, J., Bosnar, D., Brown, A., Caamano, M., Calvino, F., Calviani, M., Cano-Ott, D., Cardella, R., Casanovas, A., & 104 othersCastelluccio, D. M., Cerutti, F., Chen, Y. H., Chiaveri, E., Clai, G., Colonna, N., Cortes, G., Cortes-Giraldo, M. A., Cosentino, L., Damone, L. A., Diakaki, M., Dietz, M., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dressler, R., Dupont, E., Duran, I., Fernandez-Domnguez, B., Ferrari, A., Ferreira, P., Finocchiaro, P., Furman, V., Gobel, K., Garca, A. R., Gawlik, A., Gilardoni, S., Glodariu, T., Goncalves, I. F., Gonzalez-Romero, E., Griesmayer, E., Guerrero, C., Guglielmelli, A., Gunsing, F., Harada, H., Heinitz, S., Heyse, J., Jenkins, D. G., Jericha, E., Kaeppeler, F., Kadi, Y., Kalamara, A., Kavrigin, P., Kimura, A., Kivel, N., Kokkoris, M., Krticka, M., Kurtulgil, D., Leal-Cidoncha, E., Lederer-Woods, C., Leeb, H., Lerendegui-Marco, J., Lonsdale, S. J., Macina, D., Marganiec, J., Martnez, T., Masi, A., Massimi, C., Mastinu, P., Maugeri, E. A., Mazzone, A., Mendoza, E., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, P. M., Mingrone, F., Musumarra, A., Negret, A., Nolte, R., Oprea, A., Patronis, N., Pavlik, A., Perkowski, J., Porras, I., Praena, J., Quesada, J. M., Radeck, D., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Rocchi, F., Rubbia, C., Ryan, J. A., Sabate-Gilarte, M., Saxena, A., Schillebeeckx, P., Schumann, D., Sedyshev, P., Smith, A. G., Sosnin, N. V., Stamatopoulos, A., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tarifeno-Saldivia, A., Tassan-Got, L., Valenta, S., Vannini, G., Variale, V., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Wallner, A., Warren, S., Weiss, C., Woods, P. J., Wright, T. & Zugec, P., 28 Jan 2019, (E-pub ahead of print) In: The European Physical Journal A (EPJ A). 55, 9

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Accelerator mass spectrometry measurement of the reaction 35Cl(n,γ)36Cl at keV energies

    Pavetich, S., Wallner, A., Martschini, M., Akhmadaliev, S., Dillmann, I., Fifield, L. K., Halfon, S., Heftrich, T., Käppeler, F., Lederer, C., Merchel, S., Paul, M., Reifarth, R., Rugel, G., Steier, P., Tessler, M., Tims, S., Weigand, M. & Weissman, L., 8 Jan 2019, In: Physical Review C. 015801.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • 2018

    Neutron-induced cross sections From raw data to astrophysical rates

    Reifarth, R., Erbacher, P., Fiebiger, S., Gobel, K., Heftrich, T., Heil, M., Käppeler, F., Klapper, N., Kurtulgil, D., Langer, C., Lederer, C., Mengoni, A., Thomas, B., Schmidt, S., Weigand, M. & Wiescher, M., 18 Oct 2018, (E-pub ahead of print) In: European Physical Journal Plus.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • 7Be (n ,p ) 7Li Reaction and the Cosmological Lithium Problem: Measurement of the Cross Section in a Wide Energy Range at n_TOF at CERN

    Damone, L., Barbagallo, M., Mastromarco, M., Mengoni, A., Cosentino, L., Maugeri, E., Heinitz, S., Schumann, D., Dressler, R., Käppeler, F., Colonna, N., Finocchiaro, P., Andrzejewski, J., Perkowski, J., Gawlik, A., Aberle, O., Altstadt, S., Ayranov, M., Audouin, L., Bacak, M., & 130 othersBalibrea-Correa, J., Ballof, J., Bécares, V., Bečvář, F., Beinrucker, C., Bellia, G., Bernardes, A. P., Berthoumieux, E., Billowes, J., Borge, M. J. G., Bosnar, D., Brugger, M., Busso, M., Caamaño, M., Calviño, F., Calviani, M., Cano-Ott, D., Cardella, R., Casanovas, A., Castelluccio, D. M., Catherall, R., Cerutti, F., Chiaveri, E., Correia, J. G. M., Cortés, G., Cortés-Giraldo, M. A., Cristallo, S., Diakaki, M., Dietz, M., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dorsival, A., Dupont, E., Duran, I., Fernandez-Dominguez, B., Ferrari, A., Ferreira, P., Furman, W., Ganesan, S., García-Rios, A., Gilardoni, S., Glodariu, T., Göbel, K., Gonçalves, I. F., González-Romero, E., Goodacre, T. D., Griesmayer, E., Guerrero, C., Gunsing, F., Harada, H., Heftrich, T., Heyse, J., Jericha, E., Kadi, Y., Kalamara, A., Katabuchi, T., Kavrigin, P., Kimura, A., Kivel, N., Köster, U., Kokkoris, M., Krtička, M., Kurtulgil, D., Leal-Cidoncha, E., Lederer-Woods, C., Leeb, H., Lerendegui-Marco, J., Lo Meo, S., Lonsdale, S. J., Losito, R., Macina, D., Marganiec, J., Marsh, B., Martínez, T., Masi, A., Massimi, C., Mastinu, P., Matteucci, F., Mazzone, A., Mendoza, E., Milazzo, P. M., Mingrone, F., Mirea, M., Musumarra, A., Negret, A., Nolte, R., Oprea, A., Patronis, N., Pavlik, A., Piersanti, L., Piscopo, M., Plompen, A., Porras, I., Praena, J., Quesada, J. M., Radeck, D., Rajeev, K., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Riego-Perez, A., Rothe, S., Rout, P., Rubbia, C., Sabaté-Gilarte, M., Schell, J., Schillebeeckx, P., Sedyshev, P., Seiffert, C., Sosnin, N. V., Stamatopoulos, A., Stora, T., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tarifeño-Saldivia, A., Tassan-Got, L., Tsinganis, A., Valenta, S., Vannini, G., Variale, V., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Wallner, A., Warren, S., Weigand, M., Weiß, C., Wolf, C., Woods, P. J., Žugec, P. & n TOF Collaboration, N. V., 24 Jul 2018, In: Physical Review Letters. 121, 4, p. 42701

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Measurement and resonance analysis of the S-33(n,alpha)Si-30 cross section at the CERN n_TOF facility in the energy region from 10 to 300 keV

    n-TOF Collaboration, 4 Jun 2018, In: Physical Review C. 97, 6, 10 p., 064603.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • 2017

    High-accuracy determination of the neutron flux in the new experimental area n_TOF-EAR2 at CERN

    Sabaté-Gilarte, M., Barbagallo, M., Colonna, N., Gunsing, F., Žugec, P., Vlachoudis, V., Stamatopoulos, A., Lerendegui-Marco, J., Cortés-Giraldo, M. A., Villacorta, A., Guerrero, C., Damone, L., Audouin, L., Berthoumieux, E., Cosentino, L., Diakaki, M., Finocchiaro, P., Musumarra, A., Papaevangelou, T., Piscopo, M., & 118 othersTassan-Got, L., Aberle, O., Andrzejewski, J., Bécares, V., Bacak, M., Baccomi, R., Balibrea, J., Barros, S., Bečvář, F., Beinrucker, C., Belloni, F., Billowes, J., Bosnar, D., Brugger, M., Caamaño, M., Calviño, F., Calviani, M., Cano-Ott, D., Cardella, R., Casanovas, A., Castelluccio, D. M., Cerutti, F., Chiaveri, E., Cortés, G., Deo, K., Domingo-Pardo, C., Dressler, R., Dupont, E., Durán, I., Fernández-Domínguez, B., Ferrari, A., Ferreira, P., Furman, V., Göbel, K., García, A. R., Gawlik, A., Gheorghe, I., Glodariu, T., Gonçalves, I. F., González, E., Goverdovski, A., Griesmayer, E., Harada, H., Heftrich, T., Heinitz, S., Hernández-Prieto, A., Heyse, J., Jericha, E., Käppeler, F., Kadi, Y., Katabuchi, T., Kavrigin, P., Ketlerov, V., Khryachkov, V., Kimura, A., Kivel, N., Kokkoris, M., Krtička, M., Leal-Cidoncha, E., Lederer, C., Leeb, H., Licata, M., Lo Meo, S., Lonsdale, S. J., Losito, R., Macina, D., Marganiec, J., Martínez, T., Massimi, C., Mastinu, P., Mastromarco, M., Matteucci, F., Maugeri, E. A., Mendoza, E., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, P. M., Mingrone, F., Mirea, M., Montesano, S., Nolte, R., Oprea, A., Palomo-Pinto, F. R., Paradela, C., Patronis, N., Pavlik, A., Perkowski, J., Porras, J. I., Praena, J., Quesada, J. M., Rajeev, K., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Riego-Perez, A., Robles, M. S., Rout, P. C., Rubbia, C., Schillebeeckx, P., Schumann, D., Sedyshev, P., Suryanarayana, S. V., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tarifeño-Saldivia, A., Tsinganis, A., Valenta, S., Vannini, G., Variale, V., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Vlastou, R., Wallner, A., Warren, S., Weigand, M., Wolf, C., Woods, P. J., Weiss, C., Wright, T. & Lederer, C., 1 Oct 2017, In: The European Physical Journal E (EPJ E). 53, 10

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  • Precise measurement of the thermal and stellar $^{54}$Fe($n, \gamma$)$^{55}$Fe cross sections via AMS

    Wallner, A., Belgya, T., Buczak, K., Coquard, L., Bichler, M., Dillmann, I., Golser, R., Käppeler, F., Karakas, A., Kutschera, W., Lederer, C., Mengoni, A., Pignatari, M., Priller, A., Reifarth, R., Steier, P., Szentmiklosi, L. & Lederer, C., 28 Aug 2017, In: Physical Review C. 96, 2, p. 25808

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Proton and α capture studies for nuclear astrophysics at GSI storage rings

    Glorius, J., Langer, C., Slavkovská, Z., Litvinov, Y. A., Reifarth, R., Brandau, C., Brückner, B. R., Chen, X., Davinson, T., Erbacher, P., Fiebiger, S., Gassner, T., Gumberidze, A., Gyürky, G., Göbel, K., Heil, M., Hess, W. R., Hillenbrand, P-M., Hinrichs, O., Jurado, B., & 27 othersKozhuharov, C., Kurtulgil, D., Lane, G., Lederer-Woods, C., Lestinsky, M., Litvinov, S. A., Löher, B., Nolden, F., Petridis, N., Popp, U., Reed, M., Sanjari, M. S., Simon, H., Spillmann, U., Steck, M., Stöhlker, T., Szücs, T., Thomas, B., Träger, M., Törnqvist, H., Torilov, S., Trageser, C., Trotsenko, S., Volknandt, M., Weigand, M., Wolf, C. & Woods, P. J., 18 Aug 2017, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 875, 10, 092015.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Neutron capture cross section measurement of 238U at the n TOF CERN facility with C6D6 scintillation detectors in the energy region from 1 eV to 700 keV

    Collaboration, NTOF., Mingrone, F., Massimi, C., Vannini, G., Colonna, N., Gunsing, F., Žugec, P., Altstadt, S., Andrzejewski, J., Audouin, L., Barbagallo, M., Bécares, V., Bečvář, F., Belloni, F., Berthoumieux, E., Billowes, J., Bosnar, D., Brugger, M., Calviani, M., Calviño, F., & 84 othersCano-Ott, D., Carrapiço, C., Cerutti, F., Chiaveri, E., Chin, M., Cortés, G., Cortés-Giraldo, M. A., Diakaki, M., Domingo-Pardo, C., Duran, I., Dressler, R., Eleftheriadis, C., Ferrari, A., Fraval, K., Ganesan, S., García, A. R., Giubrone, G., Gonçalves, I. F., González-Romero, E., Griesmayer, E., Guerrero, C., Hernández-Prieto, A., Jenkins, D. G., Jericha, E., Kadi, Y., Käppeler, F., Karadimos, D., Kivel, N., Koehler, P., Kokkoris, M., Krtička, . M., Kroll, J., Lampoudis, C., Langer, C., Leal-Cidoncha, E., Lederer, C., Leeb, H., Leong, L. S., Meo, S. L., Losito, R., Mallick, A., Manousos, A., Marganiec, J., Martínez, T., Mastinu, P. F., Mastromarco, M., Mendoza, E., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, P. M., Mirea, M., Mondalaers, W., Paradela, C., Pavlik, A., Perkowski, J., Plompen, A., Praena, J., Quesada, J. M., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Riego, A., Robles, M. S., Rubbia, C., Sabaté-Gilarte, M., Sarmento, R., Saxena, A., Schillebeeckx, P., Schumann, D., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tarrío, D., Tassan-Got, L., Tsinganis, A., Valenta, S., Variale, V., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Vermeulen, M. J., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Wallner, A., Ware, T., Weigand, M., Weiß, C. & Lederer, C., 10 Mar 2017, In: Physical Review C. 95, 034604

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Neutron capture cross section measurement of U 238 at the CERN n-TOF facility in the energy region from 1 eV to 700 keV

    Mingrone, F., Massimi, C., Vannini, G., Colonna, N., Gunsing, F., Žugec, P., Altstadt, S., Andrzejewski, J., Audouin, L., Barbagallo, M., Bécares, V., Bečvář, F., Belloni, F., Berthoumieux, E., Billowes, J., Bosnar, D., Brugger, M., Calviani, M., Calviño, F., Cano-Ott, D., & 83 othersCarrapiço, C., Cerutti, F., Chiaveri, E., Chin, M., Cortés, G., Cortés-Giraldo, M. A., Diakaki, M., Domingo-Pardo, C., Duran, I., Dressler, R., Eleftheriadis, C., Ferrari, A., Fraval, K., Ganesan, S., García, A. R., Giubrone, G., Gonçalves, I. F., González-Romero, E., Griesmayer, E., Guerrero, C., Hernández-Prieto, A., Jenkins, D. G., Jericha, E., Kadi, Y., Käppeler, F., Karadimos, D., Kivel, N., Koehler, P., Kokkoris, M., Krtička, M., Kroll, J., Lampoudis, C., Langer, C., Leal-Cidoncha, E., Lederer, C., Leeb, H., Leong, L. S., Lo Meo, S., Losito, R., Mallick, A., Manousos, A., Marganiec, J., Martínez, T., Mastinu, P. F., Mastromarco, M., Mendoza, E., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, P. M., Mirea, M., Mondalaers, W., Paradela, C., Pavlik, A., Perkowski, J., Plompen, A., Praena, J., Quesada, J. M., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Riego, A., Robles, M. S., Rubbia, C., Sabaté-Gilarte, M., Sarmento, R., Saxena, A., Schillebeeckx, P., Schumann, D., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tarrío, D., Tassan-Got, L., Tsinganis, A., Valenta, S., Variale, V., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Vermeulen, M. J., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Wallner, A., Ware, T., Weigand, M., Weiß, C. & Lederer, C., 10 Mar 2017, In: Physical Review C. 95, 3, 034604.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Neutron spectroscopy of 26Mg states: Constraining the stellar neutron source 22Ne(α,n)25Mg

    Massimi, C., Altstadt, S., Andrzejewski, J., Audouin, L., Barbagallo, M., Bécares, V., Bečvář, F., Belloni, F., Berthoumieux, E., Billowes, J., Bisterzo, S., Bosnar, D., Brugger, M., Calviani, M., Calviño, F., Cano-Ott, D., Carrapiço, C., Castelluccio, D. M., Cerutti, F., Chiaveri, E., & 95 othersCosentino, L., Chin, M., Clai, G., Colonna, N., Cortés, G., Cortés-Giraldo, M. A., Cristallo, S., Diakaki, M., Domingo-Pardo, C., Duran, I., Dressler, R., Eleftheriadis, C., Ferrari, A., Finocchiaro, P., Fraval, K., Ganesan, S., García, A. R., Giubrone, G., Gonçalves, I. F., González-Romero, E., Griesmayer, E., Guerrero, C., Gunsing, F., Hernández-Prieto, A., Jenkins, D. G., Jericha, E., Kadi, Y., Käppeler, F., Karadimos, D., Kivel, N., Koehler, P., Kokkoris, M., Kopecky, S., Krtička, M., Kroll, J., Lampoudis, C., Langer, C., Leal-Cidoncha, E., Lederer, C., Leeb, H., Leong, L. S., Lo Meo, S., Losito, R., Mallick, A., Manousos, A., Marganiec, J., Martínez, T., Mastinu, P. F., Mastromarco, M., Mendoza, E., Mengoni, A., Milazzo, P. M., Mingrone, F., Mirea, M., Mondelaers, W., Musumarra, A., Paradela, C., Pavlik, A., Perkowski, J., Pignatari, M., Piersanti, L., Plompen, A., Praena, J., Quesada, J. M., Rauscher, T., Reifarth, R., Riego, A., Robles, M. S., Rubbia, C., Sabaté-Gilarte, M., Sarmento, R., Saxena, A., Schillebeeckx, P., Schumann, D., Tagliente, G., Tain, J. L., Tarrío, D., Tassan-Got, L., Tsinganis, A., Valenta, S., Vannini, G., Van Rijs, I., Variale, V., Vaz, P., Ventura, A., Vermeulen, M. J., Vlachoudis, V., Vlastou, R., Wallner, A., Ware, T., Weigand, M., Weiß, C., Wynants, R., Žugec, P. & Lederer, C., 16 Feb 2017, In: Physics Letters B. 768, p. 1-6 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
  • Stellar (n,γ) cross sections of 23Na

    Uberseder, E., Heil, M., Käppeler, F., Lederer, C., Mengoni, A., Bisterzo, S., Pignatari, M. & Wiescher, M., 2 Feb 2017, In: Physical Review C. 95, 2, 025803 .

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access