Projects per year
- 14 Finished
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Introducing anti-racist principles to trauma-informed practice
Taylor, E., Mohammed, F. & Zhang, D.
1/08/21 → 1/04/22
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
IGATI: Comparison of the effectiveness of TF-CBT and IPT based group intervention on psychosocial functioning in adolescents exposed to interpersonal trauma
Guerra, C. & Taylor, E.
1/10/20 → 31/10/23
Project: Awarded Facility Time
LAACLab Research Retreat
Taylor, E., Haslam, Z., Di Folco, S., Obsuth, I. & Knoll, M.
1/05/19 → 31/07/19
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
CAHSS SFC ODA Global Challenges Internal Fund
Reid, C., Hoelterhoff, M., Chibwana, K., Kawale, P., Amos, A., Johnston, S., Guerra, C., Calia, C. & Taylor, E.
13/02/19 → 13/02/20
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
ESRC Festival of Social Science: Circles of Love - The Dance of Attachment
1/09/18 → 30/11/18
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
Circles of Love: the Dance of Attachment
Taylor, E., Di Folco, S. & Geragidi, E.
12/06/18 → 30/11/18
Project: Awarded Facility Time
Growing strong kids in Malawi: A collaborative needs analysis between a Scottish research team and MamaLita School in Namwera
Calia, C., Taylor, E., Reid, C., Hoelterhoff, M. & Macgowan, R.
1/06/18 → 30/06/18
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
Let’s play! Gamification of Attachment Research in Young People
Taylor, E., Di Folco, S. & Jamieson, S.
1/01/18 → 31/07/18
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
What motivates the kinship carer? A mixed-methods investigation of the reasons that relatives offer care
Taylor, E., Quayle, E., Jamieson, S. & Evans, B.
19/09/16 → 19/09/19
Project: Awarded Facility Time
Social Media and Monetary Prizes as Participation Incentives
1/06/15 → 30/09/15
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
Pathways to Psychological Resilience for Looked After and Accommodated Children and Young People
1/03/15 → 29/02/16
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
On-line training of Clinical Psychology Post-Graduates in Good Clinical Practice research principles
Monteiro da Rocha Bravo Ferreira, N., Taylor, E. & Lwin, R.
1/12/14 → 1/05/15
Project: University Awarded Project Funding
The Construction of Perfectionism in Adolescence
Taylor, E., Johnston, S. & Williams, J.
1/10/12 → 30/09/15
Project: Awarded Facility Time
Discovering Development
Taylor, E., Williams, J. & Monteiro da Rocha Bravo Ferreira, N.
30/09/12 → 31/03/15
Project: University Awarded Project Funding