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PCAN: P-CAN: Place-based Climate Action Network (LSE LEAD)
London School of Economics and Political Science
1/04/22 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Productivity and Sustainability Management in the Responsive Factory
18/10/21 → 17/10/24
Project: Research
Productivity and Sustainability Management in the Responsive Factory
Corney, J., Corney, J. & Brogan, J.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
18/10/21 → 17/10/24
Project: Research
Carbon Scenario Tool: Pathfinder Project
Brogan, J., Wharmby, C. & Myers, K.
1/01/21 → 31/03/22
Project: Research
UK 100: Local Authority Contributions to Net Zero
Brogan, J., Wharmby, C. & Myers, K.
1/01/21 → 31/10/21
Project: Research
PCAN: Place-based Climate Action Network (ESRC)
Brogan, J., van der Horst, D., Bryant, S. & Lane, M.
1/01/19 → 30/04/24
Project: Research