12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Juan Cruz with the persons below:
Patricia Allmer
- Edinburgh College of Art - Personal Chair of Modern and Contemporary Art History
- History of Art
Person: Academic: Research Active
John Brown
- Edinburgh College of Art - Lecturer - Drawing and Painting
- Art
Person: Academic: Research Active
Harvey Dingwall
- Edinburgh College of Art - Director of Postgraduate Studies, School of Design
Person: Academic: Not Research Active
Josephine Ganter
- Edinburgh College of Art - Lecturer-Drawing and Painting
- Art
Person: Academic: Research Active
Ruth Pelzer-Montada
- Edinburgh College of Art - Lecturer in Visual Culture
- Art
Person: Academic: Research Active
Jane Hyslop
- Edinburgh College of Art - Lecturer - Drawing and Painting
- Art
Person: Academic: Research Active
Mark Mulhern
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)