12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Michael Jackson with the persons below:
Kostas Kavoussanos-Kavoussanakis
- EPCC - Group Manager (Cloud and Distributed Computing)
Person: Non-Academic: Research Active
Edward Wallace
- School of Biological Sciences - Senior Lecturer
- Centre for Engineering Biology
Person: Academic: Research Active , Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)
Neil Chue Hong
- EPCC - Personal Chair in Research Software Policy and Practice
Person: Academic: Research Active (Research Assistant)
Terence Sloan
- School of Physics and Astronomy - LSST:UK Science Centre Project Manager
Person: Non-Academic: Research Active
Judy Robertson
- Moray House School of Education and Sport - Chair in Digital Learning
- Centre for Research in Digital Education
- Institute for Education, Teaching & Leadership
- School of Informatics - Chair in Digital Learning-2
- Institute of Language, Cognition and Computation
- Language, Interaction, and Robotics
Person: Academic: Research Active
Mark Parsons
- Computer Systems
- EPCC - Personal Chair in High Performance Computing
Person: Academic: Research Active